Peristomal skin changes: therapeutic education on prevention and nursing interventions on management
Published 2023-10-31
- Wound Care,
- Wound Management,
- Peristomal Skin Complications,
- Education,
- Nursing interventions
- Dressing ...More
Copyright (c) 2023 Gloria Dorigo

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
Introduction: for the person with an ostomy it is very important to have intact peristomal skin, because there is a certainty that the ostomy pouching system adheres to the skin; on the other hand, with altered skin there is a greater risk that the ostomy pouching system detaches with consequent infiltration of the effluents and contact with the peristomal skin, showing skin alterations and further compromising the person's quality of life.
Materials and methods: the bibliographic research conducted on PubMed detecting 47 publications that answered to the 2 research questions, under 10 years, with a sample of more than 50 adult participants and in English language.
Results: to define therapeutic education strategies to prevent peristomal skin complications and the most appropriate nursing interventions and dressing to manage peristomal skin complications.
Conclusion: a preventive therapeutic education with detailed, simple, adequate information and perhaps supported by printed information leaflets regarding peristomal skin complications will be able to reduce the incidence of peristomal skin changes, because the person with an ostomy will be able to recognize early the signs and symptoms of altered skin and manage them at home, thanks to the guidelines provided by the specialist nurse. In addition, the specialist nurse can effectively put to good use the expertise acquired through the treatment of peristomal skin complications, preventing the patient from suffering further side effects and speeding up the healing process, which is the main goal.
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