The role of nurses in the multidisciplinary heart failure team: we are one but we are not the same.
Published 2023-10-19
- Heart failure,
- Nurse
Copyright (c) 2023 Davide Lazzeroni, Laura Riccò

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
Nurses play a multifaceted and pivotal role in managing patients with heart failure (HF), their contributions encompass assessment, education, symptom management, and psycho-social support. Teamwork with cardiologists and other healthcare professionals, combined with the integration of e-Health and telemedicine technologies, ensures a comprehensive and coordinated approach to HF management. Every team that treats and monitors patients with HF should invest in training highly specialized nurses since their contribution significantly improve outcomes and patient well-being. The present editorial summarizes the contribution of the nurse's role within the multidisciplinary team of care and management of heart failure patients.
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