Investigation of the prevalence of skin injuries in hospitalized newborns and main reports: an observational, cross-sectional, and monocentric pilot study.
Published 2024-03-31
- Pressure Ulcers,
- Injuries Prevalence,
- Newborn,
- Moisture Associated Skin Damage,
- Neonatal Intensive Care Unit
Copyright (c) 2024 Biagio Nicolosi, Eustachio Parente, Irene Marilli, Ranieri Prisco, Mirco Gregorini, Daniele Ciofi

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
The literature still offers few results on the prevention and treatment of neonatal skin lesions. However, it is important to note that available data show a high prevalence of injuries in newborns, especially in Neonatal Intensive Care Units. This prevalence, cross-sectional and pilot monocentric study aims to obtain updated epidemiological indicators on lesions in the hospitalized neonatal population. We analyzed a pilot cohort, randomizing a time window (November 2022). A data collection form (CRF) was designed in which information relating to the variables analyzed was collected, i.e. the child's medical history and a detailed inspection of the skin. This data was recorded in a database. A quantitative and descriptive analysis of the frequency of sociodemographic variables of all aggregated prevalence cut-off data was performed. During data analysis, correlations were made with respect to the type of lesions based on statistical significance (Fisher's exact).
The results of the study demonstrate that the lesions are the result of a combination of several factors, including: setting, intrinsic and extrinsic factors, pathology and methods of use of skin management. For a better understanding of this problem it is necessary to deepen the research, expanding the number of observation windows.
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