The Clinical Learning Environment Experience of the Student Nurse of the Generation Z: a Convergent Parallel Mixed Method Study
Published 2024-12-31
- Nursing Student,
- Generation Z,
- Motivation,
- Experience,
- Clinical Learning Environment
- Mixed Method,
- Influences ...More
Copyright (c) 2024 Marzia Lommi, Giuliana Covelli , Dhurata Ivziku, Giorgia Barretta , Gianluca Pozzuoli , Barbara Porcelli , Luca Guarente, Simona Ricci

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
Background. The internship represents an experience that incorporates numerous meanings and values that involve nursing students globally, particularly for those belonging to Generation Z.
Aims. 1) to assess the students' perceptions of the clinical learning environments, 2) to identify the elements that contribute to determining the clinical learning environment, and 3) to compare quantitative and qualitative results to highlight key elements that can support the development of targeted educational strategies for nursing students.
Design. Convergent parallel mixed-method study
Participants. Students attending the first, second and third years of the bachelor degree in nursing.
Methods. Quantitative and socio-demographic data were collected with a questionnaire that included the Clinical Learning Environment and Supervision plus Nurse Teacher (CLES-T) scale. Qualitative data were collected with the internship diaries. The qualitative data transformed into dummy variables were finally correlated with the quantitative data using a biserial point correlation to explore their relationships.
Results. We received answers from 63 students, half of them females, who reported experiencing a positive clinical learning environment. Simple linear regressions showed that the variables age, course year, being a student worker or with health care work experience, previous volunteering are all positively correlated with the total scale and with each dimension of the CLES-T. The content analysis of the internship diaries revealed 7 main categories describing the experience of the clinical learning environment of nursing students of Generation Z. Finally, it was possible to outline a summary scheme that describes the key elements that contribute to the success of the internship and the learning experience.
Conclusions. The key success factors emerging from the study include meaningful relationships with tutors, staff, and peers, effective management of emotional aspects, development of professional identity, intrinsic motivation, and the acquisition of practical skills through feedback and support. A positive and well-organized clinical learning environment facilitates these outcomes, promoting role awareness and responsibility. These findings can be applied to nursing education by developing targeted educational strategies such as structured mentoring programs, emotional training, and practical simulations. Integrating these elements enables educators and institutions to overcome challenges in clinical internships, enhancing students' preparation and fostering the development of competent and confident nurses.
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