Published 2024-12-31
- Pediatric Skin Injuries,
- Hospitalization,
- Risk Factors,
- Pressure Injuries,
- Comorbidities
- Medical Devices ...More
Copyright (c) 2024 Biagio Nicolosi, Eustachio Parente, Irene Fontani, Sabina Idrizaj, Daiana Stringi, Claudia Bamonte, Yari Longobucco, Emanuele Buccione, Marina Maffeo, Valentina Granai, Mirco Gregorini, Daniele Ciofi

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
Background. Skin injuries in hospitalized pediatric patients can slow recovery, increase infection risk, pain, stress, length of stay, and healthcare costs, while reducing family quality of life. The prevalence and incidence of these injuries vary by environment, comorbidities, and specific pathologies.
Objective. To identify the main risk factors related to skin lesions in hospitalized children
Methods. This retrospective, observational, monocentric study aims to identify the main risk factors for skin injuries in hospitalized children.
Results. A study of 880 hospitalized children aged 0-17 from January 2019 to December 2020 found that 133 developed skin injuries. Factors increasing risk included longer hospital stays, comorbidities, forced bed rest, and the number of medical devices. Each additional hospitalization day and lower weight raised the risk. Continence was protective. Injuries mainly affected the perineum, upper limbs, face, lower limbs, abdomen, and occiput. These findings emphasize the need for tailored prevention strategies for pediatric patients due to their unique characteristics.
Conclusions. This study underscores the need for further research to develop effective prevention protocols specifically for pediatric populations, emphasizing the role of comprehensive risk factor assessment and resource allocation to mitigate skin injury risks in hospitalized children.
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