Author Guidelines

Author Guidelines

Articles and submissions processing charges (APC)

OAR JOURNAL does not ask for articles processing (APC) or submissions charges.

All submissions must be made through the  Website

Please read these guidelines carefully to help avoid delays with your manuscript.

What We Publish
OAR Journal aims to publish the best original work in all fields of …….  All submissions are peer reviewed.

Professional Standards
Submissions that do not take into account the existing literature on the topic of the paper and related topics are not publishable in OAR Journal.

Submission Types
OAR Journal publishes Articles and Interviews, organised in different sections. Submitted manuscripts (.doc or .docx, .odt, or rft) should be no longer than 45,000 characters (spaces and bibliographic references included). Submissions must include an abstract of no more than 500 characters and up to 5 keywords. Title, abstract and keywords must be written in both English and the original language of the manuscript.

Policies for each section are listed below.

Author Guidelines

Manuscripts and languages
OAR Journal only publishes original work, in one of the following languages: Italian, English, German, French, and Spanish.

The submission should not have been previously published and should not be currently under review elsewhere. Submissions should be double-spaced. Articles and Discussion Notes should include an abstract of no more than 100 words. Please refer to Submission Policies regarding word length for each submission type.

Manuscripts must be prepared for anonymous review. Please see the section Preparing Your Paper for Anonymous Review.

All figures must be drawn and lettered with a professional appearance. All formulas and equations should be put in such a form as to help minimize the number of printed lines in the journal. See the section below on "figures" for further important information about figures.

The journal follows University of Chicago style guidelines. A bibliographical list of cited references (in alphabetical order) should be headed "References." Within this list, each reference should begin with the author's surname, given name, the year of publication in parentheses, followed by the rest of the information. In the text, simple citations or attributions should be made by supplying the author and year of publication, for example, "Jones (1958) claims ..." or "New evidence overturns this theory (Smith 1974, 46)." Footnotes should not be used for simple citations. Discursive footnotes (consecutively numbered) should be kept to an absolute minimum. Review our formatting guidelines to prepare your paper for publication. When you submit your paper on the OAR Journal website, the paper will be built as an Adobe PDF which you must view and approve. When you view the file, make sure that it has all figures, illustrations, references, footnotes and the bibliography. The submission will only be forwarded to the editor after you have approved the submitted files.

File Format
File formats must be PDF (for submission only), Microsoft Word, The submission file is in OpenOffice, Microsoft Word, or RTF document file format. 

Figures and Illustrations
We strongly prefer that graphics be incorporated into the main file wherever possible. If you send us figures in a separate file, please make sure that:

Formatting Guidelines

In order for an accepted paper to be published, the paper must conform to the conventions of the Chicago Manual of Style. Below are additional conventions used by OAR Journal. For anything not covered below, consult the Chicago Manual of Style. The instructions below sometimes refer to sections in the 17th edition (abbreviated CMS).

Margins should be ample, approximately 1-1/2" (4 cm) top and bottom, 1-1/4" (3 cm) left and 1" (2.5 cm) right.

Justification: Please left-justify the text. The right margin should be ragged.

Typeface: Times or Times New Roman is best for proofreading and for computer translation.

Typesize: 12 point. Type size should be full size at all times, including in footnotes, references, picture legends, etc.

Spacing: All text should be double-spaced, including the text in footnotes, references, picture legends, etc.

Page numbers: Please include page numbers.

Structure of Paper

The final version of the paper should have the following parts, each beginning on a new page:


Place the abstract at the beginning of the document on its own page (i.e., insert a page break after the abstract).

Main Text

The first section is normally numbered and titled "1. Introduction." Use software "styles" to create sections/subsections or put a blank line between each section and subsection. Section titles use headline capitalization, for instance, "Explanation of Anomalies," not "Explanation of anomalies." Uses of "section," like "figure," "table," and so on, are always lowercase.

Acknowledgements (optional)
Any acknowledgements must be headed and in a separate paragraph, placed after the main text but before the reference list.

Funding Information (optional)
Should the research have received a funding grant then the grant provider and grant number should be detailed.

Competing interests
If any of the authors have any competing interests then these must be declared. A short paragraph should be placed before the references. Guidelines for competing interests can be found here. If there are no competing interests to declare then the following statement should be present: The author(s) has/have no competing interests to declare.

Authors' contributions (recommended)
A sentence or a short paragraph detailing the roles that each author held to contribute to the authorship of the submission.

Italics and Boldface

We do not italicize foreign or technical terms commonly used by philosophers.


"ipso facto," "i.e.," "ad hoc," "a priori"

Unfamiliar terms may be in italics. Examples:

"The now obsolete Japanese term warifu was used to designate the tearing of pieces of material or paper to record an economic transaction.

Indicate italicized words, phrases requiring emphasis, and titles of published books and journals by italic typeface, not underlining. 

Roman numeral should be transcribed in Arabic number ("vol. 7", not "vol. VII").



Footnotes should be used, not endnotes. The font should be the same size (12 point) as the main text.

Discursive footnotes should be avoided; incorporate material in the body of the text whenever possible. 

Figures and Tables

Digital art should be submitted as high resolution .tiff, .eps, or .jpg files, or as a clean, high resolution PDF file. A figure that looks good on your computer monitor may not look good when printed in high resolution. The minimum resolution for graphics files should be 300 dpi. Please consult with local support if you are unsure how to produce high quality graphical images. The editorial office and Firenze University Press cannot redraw images for you.

Tables should be typed with a minimum of borders and other features enabled. Firenze University Press has a standard style for printing tables, and in general will use this style when printing your table.

Please submit your tables and figures as separate files. They may also be included in the text at the appropriate place. Alternatively, you may indicate their approximate location with a note such as "[Include Figure 1 here]". In either case, labels ("Figure 1.") and any captions should be included. Figures within the text are centered, but captions are left-justified. Captions are punctuated and capitalized as sentences.


Authors are responsible for the completeness and accuracy of their bibliography and citations. Please cross-check your citations against your bibliography; our copyeditors and Firenze University Press's typesetters often run across inconsistencies or incompleteness. In this case, you will be asked to fix the problem. This slows down production, and in the end saves you no time. Please go ahead and double-check your references now.

We use the the Chicago Style Notes & Bibliography system. See the 17th edition of the Chicago Manual of Style but be sure to follow the specifications below. Be sure that the References include page numbers for all articles in journals and edited volumes.

We use shortened footnotes since the first occurrence and a corresponding bibliographical list of references at the end of the paper, with surnames of the cited authors and/or editors put into alphabetical order. More than one reference by the same author should be listed in chronological order. The bibliographical list of cited references must be headed “References” and placed on a new page after the main text (i.e., insert a page break before the list of references). 

Shortened footnotes





Ibid., 314.



If you cite the same source consecutively multiple times, it would be preferable to indicate the relevant page numbers of that work in the main body of text.



List of language abbreviations:


In bibliographical references, all the abbreviations for the specific contribution provided by the authors (bibliographic compilation, edited book, translation, introduction, review, edition, etc.) are standardized in the chosen language of publication: Italian for an article in Italian, English for an article in English, and so on for the other languages (French, German and Spanish).


The main correspondences between abbreviations / terms can be found in the table below:







ed. /eds





Edited by 

A cura di

Hrsg. v.

Sous la dir. de

Editado por

Translated by 

Trad. di

U?bers. v.

Traduit par

Traduccio?n de











Last modified

Ultima modifica

Letzte A?nderung

Dernière modification

Última modificación


Consultato il

Abgerufen am

Consulté le

Acceso el







Alternatively, it is possible – at the author’s discretion –to write the bibliography by following the different language that appears on the title page of each cited work. Authors are also allowed to to insert the original title of translated texts.



Some examples (for an article written in English)


Footnote references


Bobbio, Età dei diritti, 45.

Deleuze and Guattari, Mille plateaux, 16-23.

de Lubac, Corpus Mysticum, 133-34

Ottmann, “Politische Theologie.”

Kant, Critica, 35.

Irwin, “Later Christian Ethics,” 10.1.

Lueck, “Contempt,” 307-09.

Jaggar and Young, Companion to Feminist Philosophy.

Lesina, Manuale di stile, 230.



Corresponding bibliography (in alphabetical order)


Bobbio, Norberto. L'età dei diritti. Torino: Einaudi, 2014

de Lubac, Henri. Corpus Mysticum: The Eucharist and the Church in the Middle Ages. Translated by Gemma Simmonds, Richard Price and Christopher Stephens. London-Notre Dame: SCM-Notre Dame University Press, 2006.

Deleuze, Gilles and Fe?lix Guattari. Mille plateaux: Capitalisme et schizophre?nie. Paris: Minuit, 1980.

Foucault, Michel. “What is an Author?” In The Foucault Reader, 101-20. Edited by Paul Rabinow. New York: Pantheon, 1984.

Lesina, Roberto. Il nuovo manuale di stile. 2. ed. Bologna: Zanichelli, 1994.

Lueck, Brian. “Contempt and Moral Subjectivity in Kantian Ethics.” Tijdschrift voor Filosofie 78 (2016): 305-27. doi: 10.2142/TVF.78.2.3175631.

Irwin, Terence H. “Later Christian Ethics.” In The Oxford Handbook of the History of Ethics. Edited by Roger Crisp. Oxford: Oxford Univ. Press, 2013. 10.1093/oxfordhb/9780199545971.013.0010

Jaggar, Alison M., and Iris Marion Young, eds. A Companion to Feminist Philosophy. Blackwell Companions to Philosophy. Malden: Blackwell, 1998.

Kant, Immanuel. Critica della facolta? di giudizio. Edited by Emilio Garroni and Hansmichael Hohenegger. 1790. Torino: Einaudi, 1999.

Ottmann, Henning, “Politische Theologie als Begriffsgeschichte. Oder: Wie man die politischen Begriffe der Neuzeit politisch-theologisch erklären kann.” In Der Begriff der Politik, Bedingungen und Gru?nde politischen Handelns. Edited by Volker Gerhardt. Stuttgart: Metzler, 1990.



Further examples: 

For other cases see the full version of the Chicago Manual of Style (17th edition).

Translated and Edited works:

Averroes (Ibn Rushd) of Cordoba. Long Commentary on the “De Anima” of Aristotle. Translated and with Introduction and Notes by Richard C. Taylor, with The?re?se-Anne Druart, subeditor. New Haven: Yale Univ. Press, 2009.

Nietzsche, Friedrich. Writings from the Early Notebooks. Edited by Raymond Geuss and Alexander Nehamas. Translated by Ladislaus Lo?b. Cambridge Texts in the History of Philosophy. Cambridge: Cambridge Univ. Press, 2009.

Edited volume (as a whole)

Van Riel, Gerd, and Pierre Destre?e, eds. Ancient Perspectives on Aristotle’s “De anima.” Ancient and Medieval Philosophy: De Wulf-Mansion Centre, Series 1.41. Leuven: Leuven Univ. Press, 2009.

Multi-volume Works

Wolfson, Harry Austrin. “The Plurality of Immovable Movers in Aristotle, Averroes, and St. Thomas.” In Studies in the History of Philosophy of Religion. Edited by Isadore Twersky and George H. Williams, 1:22-59. Cambridge, MA: Harvard Univ. Press, 1973.

Titled Volumes in Multi-volume Works

Gill, Michael. “Metaethical Variability, Incoherence, and Error.” In Moral Psychology. Vol. 2, The Cognitive Science of Morality: Intuition and Diversity. Edited by Walter Sinnot-Armstrong, 387- 401. Cambridge, MA: MIT, 2008.

Encyclopedia Entries

Minogue, Kenneth. “Oakeshott, Michael Joseph (1901-90).” In Routledge Encyclopedia of Philosophy. Edited by Edward Craig. Vol. 7, 70-73. London: Routledge, 1998.

Palmer, John. “Zeno of Elea.” In Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy, edited by Edward N. Zalta. Stanford: Stanford Univ., 1997-. Last modified January 11, 2012.


Useful tools:

University of Chicago Press. 2017. The Chicago Manual of Style. 17. ed. Chicago: Univ. of Chicago Press. (access by subscription)


A short description of the Chicago style:


Italian version


French version:


Spanish version:


German version:




Preparing Your Paper for Anonymous Review

As a step toward avoiding bias in the review process, the journal makes every effort to review papers without communicating the author's identity to the reviewers. To this end, please ensure that your paper does not contain information that communicates your identity to the anonymous reviewers. We will be unable to begin the review process until we feel that this has been suitably accomplished.

To prepare your paper for anonymous review, please follow these guidelines:


"In this paper, I will show that adaptationism is a grave sin."

"My argument in section 2 applies here as well."

Not Acceptable:

"As I have argued elsewhere..."
Correction: "As George Best  has argued..." [with reference in the footnote]

How to Submit

Registration and login are required to submit papers to OAR Journal and to check the status of current submissions. Registration and submission are done through the OAR Journal Website which can be accessed at: