Vol. 1 (2025)
Landscaping Oral Archives

Less a census, more a lesson. A critical examination of the Gra.fo Reloaded oral archive inquiry results

Duccio Piccardi
Università degli Studi di Urbino Carlo Bo, Italy

Published 2025-02-24


  • census,
  • Tuscany,
  • failure in science,
  • action planning

How to Cite

Piccardi, D. (2025). Less a census, more a lesson. A critical examination of the Gra.fo Reloaded oral archive inquiry results. Oral Archives Journal, 1, 133–172. https://doi.org/10.36253/oar-3343


This paper recounts the oral archive Tuscan census promoted by the Gra.fo Reloaded project. With twenty-three responses over more than four hundred addressees, the census cannot be considered other than a failure whose productive potential is on hold. Through a complete report of the census aggregate data, this paper attempts to provide a glimpse of the current local situation, highlight present issues, and inform future actions. It also takes the opportunity to frame Oral Archive Journal as a place open to discussion regarding any aspect of failure in oral archive research.


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