Statistical evaluation of chromosomes of some Lathyrus L. taxa from Turkey
Lathyrus, chromosome, endemic, statistical analysis, TurkeyAbstract
In this study, a statistical analysis was performed on mitotic metaphase chromosomes of 26 Lathyrus taxa, four of which are endemic. ANOVA, correlation analysis, PCA and cluster analysis were performed to determine the relationships between taxa based on chromosomal criteria. The morphological similarities of plant taxa and chromosomal statistics results may not be always parallel to each other. According to the findings obtained as a result of analysis, the following taxa, which are close to each other were determined: L. hirsutus - L. odoratus, L. brachypterus var. haussknechtii - L. phaselitanus, L. stenophyllus - L. chloranthus, L. gorgoni var. gorgoni - L. nissolia - L. pratensis, L. tuberosus - L. annuus.
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