A statistical overview to the chromosome characteristics of some Centaurea L. taxa distributed in the Eastern Anatolia (Turkey)





Centaurea, Chromosome, Endemic, Statistical analysis, Turkey


This study performed statistical analyses based on chromosome micromorphology of 18 Centaurea taxa, two of which are endemic. ANOVA, Correlation analysis, Discriminant analysis and Cluster analysis were performed to determine the relationships between taxa based on chromosomal features. In addition, according to the data obtained from these analyses, the relationships between taxa and sections were tried to be interpreted. As a result of the analyses, the taxa C. drabifolia Sm. floccosa (Boiss.) Wagenitz & Greuter, C. kotschyi (Boiss. & Heldr.) Hayek var. floccosa (Boiss.) Wagenitz and C. behen L. and C. polypodiifolia Boiss pseudobehen (Boiss.) Wagenitz were located close to each other. These taxa are located in the same sections in the morphological classification. Besides, in the Discriminant analysis, the taxa of Acrocentron, Microlophus, Cheirolepis sections were closely located compared to all other taxa. However, results were not seen to cover all taxa of the sections. This study revealed various chromosomal characteristics of some Centaurea taxa distributed in the Eastern Anatolia. It also performed statistical analyses on these data. While determining the relationships between taxa according to chromosomal characteristics, comparing chromosomal formulas and indices collectively and evaluating the relationships was found to be relatively consistent with morphological classification.



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How to Cite

Açar, M., & Ta?ar, N. (2022). A statistical overview to the chromosome characteristics of some Centaurea L. taxa distributed in the Eastern Anatolia (Turkey). Caryologia, 75(2), 129–141. https://doi.org/10.36253/caryologia-1562




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