Edited by: AIAM
Online ISSN: 2038-5625
2023 Journal Citation Reports
Impact factor: 1.6
Scopus CiteScore: 2.1
The Italian Journal of Agrometeorology (IJAm - Rivista Italiana di Agrometeorologia) is the official periodical of the Italian Association of Agrometeorology (AIAM) and aims to publish original scientific contributions, rather in English, but also in Italian, on agrometerology, as a science that studies the interactions of hydrological and meteorological factors with the agricultural and forest ecosystems, and with agriculture in its broadest sense (including livestock and fisheries).
Among the areas of specific interest of the journal there are:
Each paper is subjected to critical evaluation and review by Field Editors with specific expertise in the different areas of interest and by the members of the international Editorial Board.
IJAm is Scopus indexed and obtained the recognition in ISI Web of Science.
According to the newly released 2024 Journal Citation Report, the Italian Journal of Agrometeorology has achieved a 2023 Impact Factor of 1,6 up from last year.
The EMS is the association of Meteorological Societies in Europe. The network consists of 37 Member Societies and 30 Associate Members. The EMS is a non-profit-making organisation. The EMS Annual Meetings attract some 600 people each year from all sectors of the field. With a number of Awards outstanding contributions to the science, its applications and communication are honoured; young scientists are supported through travel grants.
Edited by: AIAM
Online ISSN: 2038-5625
2023 Journal Citation Reports
Impact factor: 1.6
Scopus CiteScore: 2.1