Sheltered horticulture adapted to different climate zones in Radhort Countries


  • Constantinos Kittas University of Thessaly, Greece, University of Thessaly, Department of Vegetal Production and Rural Environment, Phytokou Street, 38444 Volos
  • Wilfried Baudoin Former FAO Senior Officer , Plant Production and Protection Division Rome
  • Evangelini Kitta University of Thessaly, Greece, University of Thessaly, Department of Vegetal Production and Rural Environment, Phytokou Street, 38444 Volos
  • Nikolaos Katsoulas University of Thessaly, Greece, University of Thessaly, Department of Vegetal Production and Rural Environment, Phytokou Street, 38444 Volos



greenhouse, nethouse, protected cultivation, Tropics


Over the last decade, the total population of the sub-Saharan region of Africa has been increasing rapidly at a rate of more than 3% annually, with urbanization expected to be approximately 40% of the total population by 2050. Parallel growth has not been achieved in the agricultural sector in West Africa, with vegetable production and consumption being amongst the lowest in the world. This has aggravated the already food insecurity and malnutrition situation in the region. In this context, and within the framework of their agricultural development policies, 10 countries of West Africa (Burkina Faso; Cabo Verde; Côte d’Ivoire; Guinée; Guinée Bissau; Mali; Mauritanie; Niger; Sénégal; Chad), established the “African Network for Horticultural Development “RADHORT” (Réseau Africain pour le Développement de l’Horticulture), in order to cooperate for the diversification and intensification of horticulture in the region. The countries of RADHORT cover different climate zones ranging from the arid climate (desert), to the Sahelian zone (semi-arid), to the dry tropical zone (with long dry season and short rainy season), and to the wet tropical zone (humid zone with bimodal rainfall). Temperatures and global radiation are very suitable for vegetable production in tropical countries throughout the year, but open air cultivation can be severely hampered by high temperatures, winds, heavy rainfall, while being exposed to pest and disease infestation. Sheltered cultivation will help to moderate negative effects of climate factors on the crop, improve water productivity and the efficiency of eco-friendly pest and disease management. The paper analyses and discusses different technical options of sheltered cultivation to be tested in RADHORT countries, as a means to enhance horticulture crops productivity and quality for meeting the growing demand of an expanding rural and urban population.


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How to Cite

Kittas, C., Baudoin, W. ., Kitta, E., & Katsoulas, N. (2023). Sheltered horticulture adapted to different climate zones in Radhort Countries. Italian Journal of Agrometeorology, (2), 3–16.

