No. 4 (2022)

Submerged Models in the Petites filles Spartiates by Edgar Degas. A Warrior and an enfant chantant

Laura Castellano
Università degli Studi di Napoli Federico II Dottorato di ricerca in Scienze storiche, archeologiche e storico-artistiche

Published 2024-04-22


  • Degas,
  • Petites filles Spartiates,
  • copies,
  • Theodore Reff,
  • models

How to Cite

Castellano, L. (2024). Submerged Models in the Petites filles Spartiates by Edgar Degas. A Warrior and an enfant chantant. La Diana, (4), 104–120. Retrieved from


The essay traces the formal genesis of Edgar Degas’s Petites filles Spartiates (1860) starting reviewing Theodore Reff’s analysis and it identifies some new and punctual models referring to sculpture, painting and literature that the artist exploited to ‘build’ the picture, one of the most enigmatic of his production. The painting, like a result of a credible editing of selected references, confirms the exorcism of archeology, the free interpretation of the historical sources and the denial of the typical stereotyped images of ‘Degas’s Mind’.