Online first

Issue Description

Online First publishing reduces the time it would have previously taken for critical discoveries in the research community to be communicated, often by many months.

Once a proof has been corrected and finalized, an article is ready for Online First publication and can be published online. This means that readers can access peer reviewed articles well before print publication. These articles can be cited using their unique DOI (Digital Object Identifier). 

Rossi Maria, The Evolution of Color, «La Diana», 7, 2023, pp. 1-31, doi: 10.36253/ladiana-1234

Table of Contents


The inventory of Giuseppe Maria Mazzuoli among private affairs, political questions and collecting itineraries
Vincenzo Di Gennaro
Santa Cristina Rediscovered: Preliminary Considerations on the Old Chapel of the Cemetery of the Sienese Hospital of Santa Maria della Scala
Raffaele Marrone
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