V. 2 N. 2 (2023): infermieristica journal: with you, not aganist

Control of mother-to-child transmission of Chagas disease: the Tuscany Region model

Anna Barbiero
università degli studi di Firenze

Pubblicato 2023-07-31

Parole chiave

  • Chagas Disease,
  • Pregnancy,
  • Screening,
  • Latin America,
  • Neglected Tropical Disease


Chagas disease is an endemic parasitosis in Latin America where the main route of transmission is vectorial. In Europe, due to migration phenomena, Chagas disease cases are increasing and the main way of transmission is mother-to-child, perpetuating the infection from one generation to the other. Congenital Chagas disease is in most cases asymptomatic at birth, but, if not diagnosed and treated early, it puts the child at risk of developing severe cardiac and gastrointestinal problems throughout life. According to the Regional Resolution throughout the territory of Tuscany, pregnant women born in continental Latin America (or born to a mother born in that area) should be offered free of charge serological test for Chagas disease during pregnancy or at delivery, with the main objective of controlling and stopping the transmission of the disease.

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