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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.

  • The submission has not been previously published, nor is it before another journal for consideration.
  • The submission file is in OpenOffice, Microsoft Word, or RTF document file format.
  • The text adheres to the stylistic and bibliographic requirements outlined in the Author Guidelines
  • Accessible and inclusive publishing: The manuscript adheres to requirements outlined in the "The Creating Accessible Content Guide"
    This guide will be useful for authors in preparation of their manuscripts and for editors in formatting materials for publication and adding content to journal websites. Carefully read the Guide:

Author Guidelines


Proposals for articles for Quaderni Culturali should only be submitted via the Quaderni Culturali website ( by entering the section "About" and then "Submissions".

Art. 1 – Submission

1. a) Follow the steps outlined on the web platform.

1. b) The article must have a minimum of 5000 and maximum of 7000 words including spaces, notes and bibliographical references.

1. c) A summary in English and in Spanish must be included. Neither abstract should exceed 200 words.

1. d) To ensure anonymity in peer review, the article must not mention the author(s) (Art. 2).

Art. 2 - Anonymity of the Blind Review Article

To ensure blind review, contributions must comply with the following guidelines:

2. a) The article submitted must not contain the author's name or any other information that reveals his or her identity.

2. b) If the author has cited him/herself, remove the name in the text of the article, in the bibliographical references and in the documentary citations. In the version to be delivered, the name shall be replaced by "authorship" and the year shall be retained. In addition, the following statement shall be added in capital letters, in brackets and highlighted in grey: (THIS INFORMATION HAS BEEN REMOVED SO AS NOT TO VIOLATE THE BLIND REVIEW PROCESS).

2. c) Check that any form of identification has been removed from the document's properties. With Microsoft Office documents, the identity of the author can be removed from the file properties. Click on File in the main menu of the Microsoft application: File > Save As > Tools. On a Mac > Security > Remove personal information from file properties when saving > Save.

Art. 3 - General Parameters of Presentation

3. a) Times New Roman font size 12. This size is the same for both the title of the paper and the body of the text.

3. b) Top and bottom margins of 2.5 cm.

3. c) Right and left margins of 3 cm.

3. d) Notes in Times New Roman size 10 for footnotes.

3. e) No underlining or bold type should be used in the body of the text; if it is necessary to emphasise a word, italics or cursive may be used as stipulated below (Art. 5.c).

3. f) No lines or graphics of any kind are allowed to separate notes, paragraphs, quotations, etc.

3. g) Quaderni Culturali IILA advocates for an inclusive use of language, so authors are encouraged to write their articles being mindful to not discriminate against sex or gender identity, and without perpetuating gender stereotypes. Thus, contributors are encouraged to use epicene or inclusive language.

Art. 4 – Abstracts

Abstracts of up to 200 words in both English and Spanish. If possible, avoid bibliographical references in the abstract. If it is strictly necessary to refer to such a bibliographical reference (e.g. the article is a study on such a text), then insert the following data (of your choice): date, title or author. It is not necessary to use parentheses as in the body of the text (Art. 6).

Art. 5 – Text

5. a) 1.5 line spacing. Text alignment: justified.

5. b) Paragraphs: Every paragraph will begin with an indent. No tabs between paragraphs or inter-paragraphs. For example:

5. c) Headings: Different sections of text may be separated by subheadings for greater clarity. Subtitles should be in font size 12, like the rest of the text. Titles and subtitles should not be numbered or indented, but should be in bold type. The subtitle is preceded by a space, but not followed by one. For example:

5. d) Italics and inverted commas: Italics should be used for titles of books, newspapers, magazines, films, words in another language, or words to be emphasised. (" ") should be used for words employed in a sense other than the usual way, words whose etymological meaning is to be underlined and for the use of inverted commas within citations. The use of inverted commas (« ») is reserved for quotations only.

5. e) Capital letters: Proper names, names of geographical places, nicknames, titles of authorities or deities, titles of works, names of institutions, names of sciences and cardinal points when they refer to geographical places are capitalised.

5. f) Prefixes: All prefixes are attached to the word, without using any "-". The prefix "post" is used only in words beginning with the letter "s" (post-Soviet) otherwise "post" (postmodernism) is used.

5. g) Dashes, hyphens and parentheses: The use of dashes "- -" must be distinguished from the use of hyphens "--". The use of dashes should be restricted as much as possible and should only be used to introduce the contributions of different speakers, and to introduce and enclose clarifications or indents. The latter use should be restricted and should only be necessary when commas and full stops cannot be used. Parentheses are not to be used in any event.

Art 6. Documentary Citations

6. a) References to a quoted text shall be made in the body of the text: the author's surname, year of publication and pages quoted, if applicable, shall be indicated in parentheses and separated by commas. For example: (Rodríguez, 1914, p. 230), (Rodríguez and Orozco, 1976, p. 2), (Rodríguez, Orozco and Sánchez, 1989, p. 5). For more than three authors, the first author will be mentioned and followed by "et al.". (Pinelli et al., 2017, pp. 25,26). For citations or references involving more than one text, the information for each text will be separated by semicolons. For example: (Teja, 1994; Martin, 2005; Ingenschay, 2007; De Maeseneer, 2012). The referenced text is presented in full only in the list of references at the end of the paper (Art.8). If the author is quoted in the body of the text, then only the year should be added in brackets. Vice versa, if the year is already mentioned in the body of the text, only the author and the pages will be mentioned in brackets.

6. b) If the quotation or reference relates to one page, use "p.", if it relates to two consecutive pages, use "pp. X, X”, for example: (pp. 22, 23), if it corresponds to more than two pages, use "pp. X-X". For example: (pp. 345-349, full numbers are to be included, and not: 345-49). A space is always placed after a full stop or a comma. When citing a source for which the page is unknown, add "n.p." after the year. For example: (Valenzuela, 1928, n.p.).

6. c) If in the references (Art. 8) there is more than one work published in the same year and by the same author, then a letter "a" will be included in the first publication (according to alphabetical order of the title), a letter "b" in the second and so on. Ex: (Mwanajuma, 2005b, p. 12). The letter should also be reported in the list of references.

6. d) In-text quotations shall be written in normal type, not in italics, and in inverted commas (« »). For example:

6. e) Quotations longer than 50 characters should be placed in a separate paragraph. Tabulation should be used to separate the citation from the preceding and following paragraph. Quotations are always enclosed in inverted commas (« »). The citation should have a left and right margin of 4 cm. If the quotation is followed by the same paragraph, it should not be indented. Indentation is used only in the case where a new paragraph begins after the quotation. For example:

6. f) Sections of quoted text may be omitted. In this event the deleted section should be replaced with "[...]", as can be seen in the second image of the above example.

6. g) When there are inverted commas within a quotation, ( " " ) are used.

Art. 7 - Notes

7. a) All footnotes should be placed at the bottom of the page.

7. b) Notes should be numbered consecutively. The first should correspond to acknowledgements, if there are any, or to any other clarification on the source or funding body behind the work.

7. c) Notes should not exceed 150 words in length and should only be used to explain or add information. Quotations cannot be the subject of a footnote. Quotations are only incorporated between brackets, in the body of the text (Art. 6), and in full in the list of bibliographical references (Art. 8). It is advisable to use as few notes as possible.

7. d) References to texts made in a footnote must follow the same structure as the body of the text (Art. 6). As in the case of references made in the body of the text, these must be found in the list of bibliographical references (Art. 8).

Art. 8. Bibliographical References

8. a) All citations in the text must have their corresponding references in the list of bibliographical references. This list should only include the works actually cited in the article.

8. b) The references shall be constructed as follows: Surname, Name. Title in italics. Place, publisher, year. For more cases, see the below examples:


  • Book or complete work: Sole authorship: Surname, Name. Year. Title in italics. Place, Publisher.
  • Shared authorship: Surname, Name, Name Surname and Name Surname. Year. Title in italics. Place, Publisher. (max. 3 authors)
  • Plural authorship: Surname, Name, year. Title in italics. Place, Publisher. (More than 3)
  • Edition, compilation, coordination, etc.: Surname, Name, editor(s)/coordinator(s)/compiler(s). Year. Title in italics. Place, Publisher.
  • Book chapter or part of the work: Surname, Name. Year. "Chapter title". Name Surname (if not the same author), editor(s)/coordinator(s)/compiler(s). Title of the work in italics. Place, Publisher, pp. xx-xx.
  • Magazine article: Surname, Name. Year. "Title of the article. Magazine title in italics, vol. x, no. x, month (or semester if applicable, in lower case), pp. xx-xx. doi.
  • Magazine article available online: Surname, Name. "Title of the article. Magazine title in italics, vol. x, no. x, month (or semester if applicable, in lower case), pp. xx-xx. doi. Available at: www.xxxxxxx.ik [Accessed on dd/mm/yyyy].
  • Exhibition catalogue: Surname, Name. Year. Title in italics (cat.exp), City of the exhibition, Institution where the exhibition was presented (month, year of beginning - month, year of end, in lower case). City of publication of the catalogue, Publisher.
  • Congresses/conferences/meeting events: Surname, Name. Year. Title of the presentation (agreement). Surname, Name, editors. Title of the agreement in italics, City where the agreement took place, Institution where the agreement took place (month, year, in lower case). City of publication of the catalogue, Publisher.
  • Dissertation: Surname, Name. Year. Title in italics, University of affiliation, city, year. PhD/University Degree/Master's thesis.... Available at: www.xxxxxxx.ik [Accessed on dd-mm-yyyy] (if any).
  • Lecture: Surname, Name. Year. "Title of the paper". Title of the congress. Paper presented at the Title of the panel in italics (dates ex. 10-14, August, 2008). Place, organisation.

For other entries, which are not listed here, further information on style can be found in the latest version of the MLA Manual of Style (

8. c) References in the bibliography shall be arranged alphabetically by surname of the author(s) and, in the case of several works by one or more authors, shall be arranged alphabetically according to the title.

8. d) If the work has no author, it is listed in alphabetical order according to its title, without NN or "Anonymous", etc. If it has no date, n.d. is added in the place of the date.

Art. 9. Illustrations

9. a) Each article may be accompanied by a maximum of 6 illustrations. Additional images may be requested from the editors if necessary.

9. b) Images must be included in the article with an appropriate resolution. Cuadernos Culturales IILA reserves the right to remove those deemed inappropriate.

9. c) A reference (fig.) shall be made in the text to indicate its location.

9. d) Once the article has been accepted, the images will be sent again in high resolution (minimum 300 dpi) and free of copyright.


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