Karyological analyses in several Algerian populations of six species of the genus Vicia L. (Fabaceae)
Chromosomes, endemic, karyotype, plant genetic resources, Vicia L.Abstract
As part of the evaluation and valorization of plant genetic resources of fodder and pastoral interest in Algeria, seventeen (17) natural populations belonging to six (06) species of the genus Vicia (Vicia sativa, Vicia disperma, Vicia monardii, Vicia ohchroleuca, Vicia onobrychioides and Vicia lutea), originated from different ecological regions in the North-Eastern of the country, were considered. The populations have been the subject of mitotic and meiotic studies. Haploid and diploid numbers and chromosome measurements were determined. Original results were observed for the first time in some species. In fact, chromosome counts have revealed some new chromosome numbers. The first number (2n=14, n=7) was observed in the endemic subspecies of Algeria, V. ochroleuca subsp. atlantica and in the species Vicia onobrychioides. The second number (n=6) was observed in the species Vicia disperma. Within Vicia monardii, the three new chromosome numbers, previously observed only in mitosis by our research team, were confirmed for the first time through the present meiosis study (n=6, 7 and 8), indicating that they are A type chromosomes. The base number x=7 is the most frequently observed number in the six Vicia species. The observed chromosome numbers would be related to some ecological factors (altitude, rainfall) of the origin environment of the populations. Chromosome measurements and established karyotypes were determined for the first time in V. monardii, V. onobrychioides and V. ochroleuca subsp. atlantica. Chromosome size and karyotype formula are variable among the studied species and subspecies. Karyotypes vary from symmetrical to asymmetrical and the intrachromosomal asymmetry is higher than interchromosomal one. The new cytogenetic data would contribute to a better understanding of the evolution mechanism of the species in the genus Vicia L.
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Copyright (c) 2023 Zahia SEBKHI, Rachida ISSOLAH, Nabila MELZI, Hassina BENMOUHOUB, Mohamed MEFTI

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