About the Journal

Articles may be related to the teaching and research activities carried out by the School (seminars, study days, conferences, diploma theses) and contribute to the definition and acknowledgment of its academic profile and the specificity of its academic offer in the panorama of third-level university education in Italy and abroad. The journal is open to the international scientific community and also encourages the publication of contributions originated outside the School's activities. It offers a privileged space for original research, critical debate and bibliographical updates, with in-depth notes on specific topics or lines of current research, as well as a section devoted to reviews of recent books and exhibitions.


art history, architecture history, decorative and industrial arts history, design history, fashion and costume history, art criticism and historiography, art collecting, preservation, conservation, management and communication of cultural heritage, theory and history of restoration, museum and exhibitions studies, history of cultural institutions, art market

Aims and scope

The main aim of the journal is to publish articles that stand as models of clarity, precision, and methodological rigour in addressing art history topics over a broad chronological spectrum (from late antiquity to the contemporary age). Our scope is to document the teaching and research work carried out by the School, to encourage young researchers to publish their studies, and to foster dialogue between different disciplinary traditions and generations of art historians.

Double-blind peer review procedure

All proposals, whether requested or independently submitted to the editorial board, undergo a double-blind review process, except for editorials, notes and reviews. Authors are asked to provide their personal information (name and institutional affiliation) on a separate page. Self-identifying citations and references in the text of the article should be avoided or left blank when manuscripts are submitted for the first time. Authors are responsible for reinserting citations and self-identifying references when manuscripts are prepared for final submission.

The editorial board is committed to communicate the authors the results of the review process within four months since the submission of the proposals. The final decision on publication is taken by the Editorial Board, after considering peer review results.

Journal Sections and Criteria for Acceptance

The journal is divided into four sections. The Studies section accepts long articles (max 60,000 digits), in which to publish more extensive original works such as new evaluations of an artist's activity as a whole, recompositions of dismembered or altered complexes, reflections on critical personalities or collections, favouring the exposition of new acquisitions, presented and discussed in the broader context of the relevant literature. The Contributions section is reserved for shorter texts (max 40,000 digits), with a targeted focus on the presentation of a single work, the discovery a new document, the reinterpretation of a historical source, the clarification of facts and chronologies relating to a specific period of an artist’s production. It is characterized by the precision of its information and the concision of its bibliographical references. The Notes section hosts bibliographical discussions on particular themes or lines of research, presentations of in-progress investigations or preliminary reflections on topics under development and further study (texts of max 20,000 digits). Finally, the Reviews section is intended for critical revisions of recent publications or exhibitions of particular interest or importance in the specific subject area of Art History (texts of max 10,000 digits).

The prior acceptance of the submitted papers probes the originality, the scientific rigour, the quality of exposition and presentation of materials as well as the relevance of the proposal as a whole: from the interest of the topic to its impact on the advancement of studies.

Open Access Policy

La Diana provides immediate open access to its content. Our publisher, Firenze University Press at the University of Florence, complies with the Budapest Open Access Initiative definition of Open Access: By “open access”, we mean the free availability on the public internet, the permission for all users to read, download, copy, distribute, print, search, or link to the full text of the articles, crawl them for indexing, pass them as data to software, or use them for any other lawful purpose, without financial, legal, or technical barriers other than those inseparable from gaining access to the internet itself. The only constraint on reproduction and distribution, and the only role for copyright in this domain is to guarantee the original authors with control over the integrity of their work and the right to be properly acknowledged and cited. We support a greater global exchange of knowledge by making the research published in our journal open to the public and reusable under the terms of a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International Public License (CC-BY-4.0). Furthermore, we encourage authors to post their pre-publication manuscript in institutional repositories or on their websites prior to and during the submission process and to post the Publisher’s final formatted PDF version after publication without embargo. These practices benefit authors with productive exchanges as well as earlier and greater citation of published work.

Publication Frequency

La Diana publishes 2 regular issues per year. Manuscripts are accepted at any time through the online submission system. 

Copyright Notice

Authors who publish with La Diana agree to the following terms:

Revenue Sources

La Diana is a diamond open access journal, it is self-financed and does not receive funding from any source.

Publication Fees

Unlike many open-access journals, La Diana does not charge any publication fee.

Waiver Information

Fee waivers do not apply at Firenze University Press because our funding does not rely on author charges. 

Marketing and Advertising

La Diana does not carry out any direct marketing activity, including telemarketing, promotion and communication activities to attract more authors to submit to the journal.

La Diana does not endorse any product or service marked as an advertisement or promoted by a sponsor in publications.

Editorial content is not compromised by commercial or financial interests, or by any specific arrangements with advertising clients or sponsors.

Publication Ethics

Responsibilities of La Diana's editors, reviewers, and authors concerning publication ethics and publication malpractice are described in FUP Guidelines on Publication Ethics.   

Corrections and Retractions

In accordance with the generally accepted standards of scholarly publishing, La Diana does not alter articles after publication: "Articles that have been published should remain extant, exact and unaltered to the maximum extent possible".
In cases of serious errors or (suspected) misconduct La Diana publishes corrections and retractions (expressions of concern).

In cases of serious errors that affect or significantly impair the reader’s understanding or evaluation of the article, La Diana publishes a correction note that is linked to the published article. The published article will be left unchanged.


In accordance with the "Retraction Guidelines" by the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE) La Diana will retract a published article if: 

An article is retracted by publishing a retraction notice that is linked to or replaces the retracted article. La Diana will make any effort to clearly identify a retracted article as such.
If an investigation is underway that might result in the retraction of an article La Diana may choose to alert readers by publishing an expression of concern.

Reversion of rights

Articles may sometimes be accepted for publication but later rejected in the publication process, even in some cases after public posting in "Just Accepted" form, in which case all rights will revert to the author.


La Diana and Firenze University Press are experimenting a National legal deposition and long-term digital preservation service.