No. 4 (2022)

Inside and Outside the Artwork. New traces of Emilio Prini within the videotapes produced in 1973 by Luciano Giaccari (Studio 970 2)

Irene Boyer
Università degli Studi di Parma Dipartimento di Discipline umanistiche, sociali e delle imprese culturali

Published 2024-04-22


  • Emilio Prini,
  • Luciano Giaccari,
  • videotape-recording,
  • Mario Merz,
  • Richard Serra

How to Cite

Boyer, I. (2024). Inside and Outside the Artwork. New traces of Emilio Prini within the videotapes produced in 1973 by Luciano Giaccari (Studio 970 2). La Diana, (4), 67–92. Retrieved from


The article aims to enrich Emilio Prini’s artistic catalogue, investigating three videotape-recordings: in one of them he is the author (Telecamere in posizione di parcheggio) and in the other two he is the performer (created respectively by Mario Merz and Richard Serra). Beyond the different nature of these works, in this text the author proposes an overall analysis of the variety of practices that he adopted and the results he achieved. Prini also explores the construction of behavioral situations, which belong to his poetics and derive from the encounter with the object or with other personalities. In addition, the concepts of use, consumption, standard, void and absence are reworked in these works and are incorporated into multiple reflections and relationships – now offering the opportunity to return a deeper knowledge of his work, based on what has already been explored by Pasquale Fameli and Francesco Guzzetti in recent studies.