Call for papers Issue 2 (2023): AI, FASHION AND RIGHTS



Fashion has always been a mirror of the social, cultural and economic dynamics. One of the emerging phenomena now, which is spreading very rapidly and capillary, is the introduction of artificial intelligence in the various processes that characterize the fashion system: from the design phases to production, from the purchasing experience to communication.

In recent years, several studies have begun experimenting with generative models in fashion design, investigating the possibility of applying a Generative Adversarial Network (GAN) to analyze online data and images and instruct artificial intelligence to develop guidelines for clothing design autonomously. Today's growing autonomy of AI involves an increasingly transversal application in fashion, from market research and big-data analysis to control production processes, from creating models and digital avatars to collecting and analyzing consumer data.
The intersection between fashion and artificial intelligence opens up new creative and technological frontiers. A scenario is taking shape in which fashion design is increasingly characterized by the design of rules, algorithms and structures, even before imaginaries or forms, in search of a convergence - or divergence - between artificial intelligence and human intelligence. However, these developments are not without problems, opening up ethical and legal issues that need to be addressed critically and reflectively.
The second issue of Fashion Highlight aims to encourage reflection on the relationship between fashion, artificial intelligence and rights, investigating how fashion, in this rapidly changing panorama, is questioning itself on privacy, intellectual property, inclusion, skills and responsibilities. One of the most relevant issues, in fact, is the possibility that AI preserves diversity, acts inclusively and protects individual identities.
The authors are invited to use a variety of disciplinary approaches and methodologies and to provide an original and innovative contribution to the understanding of these crucial issues for contemporary fashion. In particular, the contributions of a theoretical or empirical nature will be able to explore the use of artificial intelligence in the various fields of fashion, including:

• design, with implications on copyright, on the current and future skills of the fashion designer, on training;

• production, with links to process changes, the relationships between the physical and digital dimensions, man-machine collaborations, to the evolution of the professionals involved;

• distribution and sale, through the personalization of the shopping experience, with the consequent implications on privacy, profiling, collection and analysis of consumer data;

• communication concerning the production of textual and visual content and the creation of virtual avatars and influencers.

The contributions will make it possible to outline the implications of using artificial intelligence in fashion design, which, in its continuous tension between the cultural and industrial systems, represents an ideal testing ground for identifying new methodologies and processes for this emerging phenomenon.

We welcome full papers in English for submission by the 30 November 2023, with a range length of 20000-25000 characters and spaces, including:
- abstract (max. 1000 characters)
- footnotes
- figures (max. 4)
- figure captions
- bibliography

It is highly recommended to use APA STYLE as a formatting guideline. Authors will indicate their affiliation, contact email and ORCID ID in that same file.
Full papers can be submitted through the submission system on this website. Our publisher is Firenze University Press, whose Open Access policy requires no fee for publication while supporting the double-blind peer review process.