
Call for papers Issue 4 (2024): FASHION’S FIBRES AS PLANETARY FLOWS

Guest Editors: Alice Payne and Anneke Smelik

The 4th issue of Fashion Highlight invites reflections, provocations, and speculations on fashion's future, focusing on the tiny strands of fibre that are aggregated by the tonne, traded as commodities, spun into yarns, branded as products, and wrestled over in the marketplace. We invite papers on individual fibre stories of all forms, from viscose, cotton, wool, silk, polyester, nylon and beyond, on the role of fibre in a circular economy, the governance of fibre, the ethics of fibre, the cultural histories of new and old fibre technologies, fibre and place, and provocations on fibre’s agency and materiality. This call aims to stimulate a dialogue about fibre as the fundamental element of fashion, shaping its present and future.

We welcome full papers by 31 August 2024


Call for papers Issue 3 (2024): (UN)CONSUMING FASHION CONSUMPTION

Guest Editors: Valeria M. Iannilli and Alessandra Spagnoli

The third issue of Fashion Highlight intends to investigate the dynamics, practices, and impacts of fashion consumption in the light of the transformations taking place, questioning the role and potential that creative communities, players in the - long and complex - fashion value chain, consumers and education can express. Authors from different disciplinary fields are invited to propose critical and theoretical reflections and applied contributions using different approaches and methodologies.  to provide an original perspective on the proposed topic. 

We welcome full papers by 14 April 2024


Call for papers Issue 2 (2023): AI, FASHION AND RIGHTS

The second issue of Fashion Highlight aims to encourage reflection on the relationship between fashion, artificial intelligence and rights, investigating how fashion, in this rapidly changing panorama, is questioning itself on privacy, intellectual property, inclusion, skills and responsibilities. One of the most relevant issues, in fact, is the possibility that AI preserves diversity, acts inclusively and protects individual identities.

We welcome full papers in English for submission by 30 November 2023
