
Call for Papers: Cultural relations between Italy and Latin America from the 1920s to the 1940s

The Cultural Secretariat of the IILA - International Italo-Latin American Organisation, opens the call for participation in the 6th issue of the journal "Quaderni Culturali IILA" - 2024. The proposed monographic issue of Quaderni Culturali IILA seeks to investigate the artistic, literary and intellectual exchanges between the Italian peninsula and the Latin American continent through the inter-textual and inter-artistic relationship between works and authors in the decades between 1920 and 1940.

Deadline for Submission of Articles: June 1, 2024

Download here the PDF of the Call and visit our Call for Papers webpage

Quaderni Culturali IILA is a freely available international magazine founded by the Cultural Secretary of IILA - Italo-Latin American Organization (international organization, of which Italy and twenty Latin American countries are members) in 2018. The magazine offers thematic issues and is published annually with contributions in Spanish, Italian, Portuguese, and English.

Quaderni Culturali IILA publishes studies and analyses of the arts and different Latin American cultures. The journal aims to promote intellectual discussion and critically innovative subjects and methodologies from a  interdisciplinary point of view.

Quaderni Culturali IILA - ONLINE ISSN 2785-5031

Editor in Chief - Jaime Nualart Sánchez,  IILA Cultural Secretary

Current IssueVol 6, No 6 (2024): Las relaciones culturales entre Italia y América Latina entre los años 20 y 40 del Siglo XX

Published December 30, 2024


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