Vol. 2 No. 2 (2020): The representation of Latin American food: a trans-cultural perspective

What does Cuban cuisine taste like in translation?

Stefano Tedeschi
Università La Sapienza, Roma

Published 2022-02-28


  • KeyWords: Cuban Literature; Gastrocritics; Lezama Lima; Senel Paz; Padura Fuentes; Translation Theory.

How to Cite

Tedeschi, S. . (2022). What does Cuban cuisine taste like in translation?. Quaderni Culturali IILA, 2(2). https://doi.org/10.36253/qciila-1503


Cookery has played a relevant function in the Cuban narrative from its origins, considering the intercultural
richness of its history. In this article I will analyse the function of translations at the moment to transfer this
theme to other languages, starting from the novels of José Lezama Lima, Senel Paz and Leonardo Padura