Become an Editor

Students wishing to be a part of the Journal Board can apply by completing-filling the form linked below by the deadlines periodically advertised in the Journal.

The electronic application form must include: year of enrollment (students must at least be in their third year), exams taken, CFU totals (a minimum of 120 CFU for third year students and 149 CFU for fourth year students is required for students enrolled in degree courses in Law, Italian-French Law, Italian-German Law; a minimum of 93 CFU is required for third year students enrolled in degree courses in Legal Services Science), the weighted average of marks, areas of interest (no more than three may be listed), and reason for enrollment.

Candidates are selected by the Board of Directors and a professor in the Department of Legal Sciences, with particular attention to the representation of various disciplinary areas and on recruiting younger candidates. If there is more than one application for a particular area, the candidate with the highest grade-point average is preferred. However, if the grade-point average differs by only one point, the more motivated candidate may be selected. If grade-point average and motivation are the same, then the candidate with the most credits is preferred.

Our Organs

The Journal is comprised of the Editorial and Executive Committee, the Journal Board, the Journal Secretariat, the Scientific Committee, the Scientific Director, and the Managing Director.

The Journal Board consists of a maximum of twenty students enrolled in the third, fourth and fifth year of the Degree Course in Law, four students enrolled in the third, fourth and fifth year of the Degree Course in Italian and German Law, four students enrolled in the third four students enrolled in the third, fourth and fifth year of the Master's Degree Course in German-Italian Law, four students enrolled in the third year of the Bachelor's Degree Course in Scienze dei servizi giuridici, four students enrolled in the Master's Degree Course in Diritto per le sostenibilità e la sicurezza and five PhD students belonging to the Department of Legal Sciences.

With reference to the degree course in Scienze dei servizi giuridici, the Journal Board is composed of one student for each curriculum: Consulente del lavoro e delle relazioni industriali, Giurista di amministrazioni pubbliche, Giurista d'impresa e Giurista del terzo settore.

The Journal Board, as the operational body of the Journal, manages the editorial process of the Review.

The Journal Board shall, acting by a majority of voters, propose to the Editorial and Executive Committee the editorial line and contributions to be published.

The Journal Board elects the members of the Journal Secretariat. The Journal Secretariat coordinates and supervises the activities of the Journal Board, oversees the development of the Journal’s editions, and maintains relations with the publisher and the Scientific Committee.

The Scientific Committee is made up of professors, associate professors, and scholars with recognized expertise in the field of law, who can guarantee the scientific nature of the Journal. The Scientific Committee represents and promotes the Journal in Italy and abroad. The Scientific Committee identifies, among its members, the Scientific Director and three guarantors, in agreement with the Department Council of Legal Sciences.

Finally, the Managing Director is responsible for fulfilling the duties and exercising the rights provided for by the regulations concerning the press and periodical publications.