Substantia Award 2019

On 18 Dec 2017, ECIS and the Department of Chemistry of the University of Florence agreed upon the creation of the ECIS-Substantia Award for a Young Scientist to acknowledge the top level scientific activity of young researchers in the field of colloid and interface science.
The prize is awarded annually. The award, consisting in € 500,00, is offered by Substantia. An International Journal of the History of Chemistry.
Applicants must possess a M.Sc degree and must have been actively engaged in scientific research for a period of time shorter than the PhD plus 1 year.
The applicants will declare their intention to compete for the award along with the submission of the abstract of their contribution to the annual meeting of ECIS.
The decision will be taken during the annual meeting by a special Jury nominated by the Chair of the Conference, and comprising:
- one representative of the Journal's Editorial Board
- one representative of the ECIS Board
- one member of the local organizing Committee
- two representatives selected from the plenary speakers and the International Committee of the annual meeting.
The Agreement