Substantia: Open Stream on the Covid-19 Emergency



The current circumstances that we are experiencing, with the massive spreading of Covid-19 from the Far East to Europe, to the US and to the rest of the world, motivate us to publish a special issue of Substantia dedicated to the coronavirus epidemic that is ravaging our societies.
The reasons are:
1) Publish significant scientific contributions on this topic.
2) Reaffirm our views in terms of Open Access, Open Data, free circulation of ideas and results.
3) Oppose real scientific facts to fake news.

Concretely, our project is to publish one special volume on different subjects such as:

• Up-to-date review(s) on coronavirus research
• The Chemistry of antiviral drugs
• The history and perspectives of Immunochemistry, from vaccines to monoclonal and polyclonal antibodies
• Social/economic consequences of epidemics
• The responsibility of humans in the spreading of epidemics
• Historical insights from previous epidemics (plagues, Spanish flu, etc.)
• Relevance of open data instant exchange for a fast moving society

As the situation changes very quickly, we will create an “open stream” section of Substantia to speed up the publication. Shorter contributions such as preprints and editorials will be particularly appreciated.

This project will be an open lab, work in progress for the entire duration of the Covid-19 emergency.

Click here for further information.