Pietro Greco is a scientific journalist and a science writer (25 monographs). He received a MS degree in chemistry. He is a charter member of Fondazione IDIS-Città della Scienza in Naples, editor of Scienza&Società, co-editor of the web journal Scienzainrete, editorialist for the broadcast Radio3Scienza, member of “Working Group for the advancement of scientific and technological culture” of the Italian Office of Education, University and Research. He is author and scientific editor of some television program, namely: Pulsar. Storia della scienza e della tecnica nel XX secolo; X Day. I grandi della scienza del Novecento. He is one of the founders and for some years director of Master in comunicazione della scienza (MCS) of ISAS in Trieste. He was advisor of Fabio Mussi, Italian Minister for the University and Research (2006-2008). He has received several awards since 2004 for his essays and his activity as scientific journalist.