PFAS Toxicity and Female Reproductive Health: A Review of the Evidence and Current State of Knowledge

Published 2025-03-04
- Female fertility,
- Pregnancy,
- Endocrine disruption,
- Menstrual cycle
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Copyright (c) 2024 Maryjane Nnabuchi, Chidi Duru

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
Per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) constitute a class of synthetic chemicals extensively utilized in various consumer products and industrial applications. Characterized by their remarkable persistence, PFAS chemicals resist degradation, perpetuating their presence in the environment for an indefinite period. Human exposure to PFAS occurs through multiple pathways, including contaminated food, water, air, and products, resulting in widespread detection in biological matrices such as blood and urine. Exposure to PFAS has also been linked to adverse reproductive outcomes, yet the impact on female reproductive health remains poorly understood. This review synthesizes recent findings on the PFAS-female reproductive health connection, highlighting the effects on ovarian function, hormone regulation, and pregnancy outcomes. The evidence suggests that PFAS exposure is associated with reduced fertility, increased risk of miscarriage, and altered menstrual cycle dynamics. The review also explores the underlying mechanisms, including endocrine disruption and oxidative stress. The implications of these findings on female reproductive health are discussed, emphasizing the need for further research and policy changes to mitigate PFAS exposure and protect female reproductive physiology.
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