Chromosome counts of eight Iranian endemic species of Nepeta L. (Lamiaceae)


  • Maryam Hasaninejad Department of Biology, Faculty of Biological Science and Technology, University of Isfahan, Isfahan, Iran
  • Ziba Jamzad Research Institute of Forests and Rangelands, Agricultural Research, Education and Extension Organization (AREEO), Tehran, Iran
  • Saeid Afsharzadeh Department of Biology, Faculty of Biological Science and Technology, University of Isfahan, Isfahan, Iran
  • HojJatollah Saeidi Department of Biology, Faculty of Biological Science and Technology, University of Isfahan, Isfahan, Iran



chromosome number, cytotaxonomy, endemics, Lamiaceae, karyotype, Iran, Nepeta L.


In this survey, the chromosome counts of eight Nepeta L. species were investigated and the karyotypic diversity among these species was studied. The examined species belong to N. cephalotes Boiss. species group, namely N. eremokosmos Rech.f., N. gloeocephala Rech. f., cephalotes Boiss., N. pungens (Bunge) Benth., N. ispahanica Boiss., N. mahanensis Jamzad & Simonds, N. hormozganica Jamzad and N. denudata Benth. collected from different habitats in Iran. The ploidy levels, karyotype formula, chromosome length range, total karyotype length, several karyotype asymmetries values and Stebbins classification were determined in this study. Results showed the same chromosome number, 2n = 2x= 18 for all studied species. The basic chromosome number for the above mentioned species are x = 9. Also, the smallest chromosome length is 1.02 ?m in N. mahanensis. The largest chromosome length is 2.3 ?m in N. ispahanica. The chromosomes of species were metacentric or submetacentric. According to the Stebbins classification, these species were located into three classes 1A, 2A and 3A. The chromosome numbers for six of studied species are reported here for the first time.


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How to Cite

Hasaninejad, M. ., Jamzad, Z. ., Afsharzadeh, S., & Saeidi, H. . (2021). Chromosome counts of eight Iranian endemic species of Nepeta L. (Lamiaceae). Caryologia, 74(1), 53–61.


