Vol. 1 No. 1 (2019): The other direction: Perception of "Latin American Art" in Italy

A tormented path; Latin American art in Italy, between "fortune" and clamorous silences

Mario Sartor
Università degli Studi di Udine

Published 2022-06-09


  • Contemporary Latin American Art,
  • Mario Sartor,
  • latin american art in italy,
  • International Center for Advanced Latin American Studies

How to Cite

Sartor, M. (2022). A tormented path; Latin American art in Italy, between "fortune" and clamorous silences. Quaderni Culturali IILA, 1(1), 19–29. https://doi.org/10.36253/qciila-1509


From a disciplinary point of view, the study of Latin American art in Italy is a recent event linked to a single university chair. From the point of view of critical interest, it has instead had a bumpy and discontinuous path, certainly due to the lack of institutional interest and to the Eurocentric -or at most Western- perspective of the system of the arts and the critics in Italy. The essay describes the historical-critical fortune/misfortune of a part of contemporary Latin American art -that which is undoubtedly more related to Western international art- in the almost total ignorance of other Latin American artistic phenomena. Following the exhibitions over the years, attention will be paid to the art of the Central and South American Continent, more functional to the sensibilices of the art market or ideological paths than to the development of culturally complex regions with a deep and wide historical setting.