Vol. 1 No. 1 (2022): COMUNITÀ

I limiti alla fruizione individuale dei beni culturali: una testimonianza di civiltà nella democrazia della cultura

Alessandro Zecchi
University of Florence

Published 2022-09-14


  • beniculturali,
  • proprietàintellettuale,
  • democrazia


Despite the need to liberalise the use and reproduction of the image of cultural heritage repeatedly identified in supranational legislation, the Italian legislator, in Legislative Decree 177/2021, preferred to keep the authorisation procedure established by the Cultural Heritage Code. Considering this choice, we have to ask ourselves if it represents a legislative resistance to the ‘democracy of culture’ or if, on the contrary, oxymoron of a ‘granted culture’ is still today the only instrument able to guarantee and safeguard the «memory of the national community».


  1. A. Zecchi