The Return of War in the New Global Disorder


  • Pier Paolo Portinaro University of Torino



war, politics, strategy, asymmetrical wars, Clausewitz


Clausewitz is still an essential guide for us in investigating the relationship between war and politics, as long as we keep in mind that this relationship has been transforming on both sides. The new wars increasingly turn out to be asymmetrical wars (marked by the dual demographic and technological imbalance between the North and the South of the planet) and hybrid wars (both in terms of the strategies adopted and in being at the same time civil wars, interstate wars and imperial wars). Precisely because of this intertwining, the new wars present a phenomenology of forms of hostility that is beyond the control of legal systems. In particular, it makes respect for international humanitarian law impossible, based as it is on the systematic use of illicit means within the framework of covert operations, the constant violation of the boundaries between the military and civil spheres, and the absolutization of hostile sentiment.


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How to Cite

Portinaro, P. P. (2024). The Return of War in the New Global Disorder. Rivista Italiana Di Filosofia Politica, (6), 11–25.



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