War and the Physics of Power: The “Philosophical Discourse” of Contemporary Europe





State, war, Foucault, physics of power, European Union


With the Russian invasion of Ukraine in February 2022 and with the outbreak of the war in the Gaza strip, in October 2023, we are witnessing the return of war, even in its classical forms, through land invasion, in Europe and the Mediterranean. In this paper, I ask how the philosophical discourse intervenes in thinking about the relationship between Europe and war. I propose the discourse of political philosophy as a diagnosis and a genealogy of the present. Europe itself, its political form, is the battlefield. It is not a matter of sovereignty, but of a “physics of power”.


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How to Cite

Pullano, T. (2024). War and the Physics of Power: The “Philosophical Discourse” of Contemporary Europe. Rivista Italiana Di Filosofia Politica, (6), 57–71. https://doi.org/10.36253/rifp-2407



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