“Engaging with provocations”. An Interview with Wendy Brown
Wendy Brown, neoliberalism, feminism, political theoryAbstract
Wendy Brown is recognized internationally as one of the most important contemporary critics of neoliberalism and for her crucial contribution to feminist political theory. In this dialogue, Brown traces her intellectual itinerary, from her provocative and polemical relationship with the classic authors of political theory, to her confrontation with Marx and Foucault as both indispensable sources for the critique of neoliberalism; from the problem of political subjectivation in the age of identity politics, to the new reactionary politics which challenge feminism as a political discourse and practice. The text is a transcript, elaborated and revised by Brown, of the dialogue she had with her interviewer and the audience at the masterclass held on 13 March 2024 at the University of Trento, as part of the second series of lectures “Voices from Contemporary Philosophy”, coordinated by Tiziana Faitini, Alessandro Palazzo and Michele Nicoletti
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