Journal sections

Thematic Monograph

This is the monographic section of the Journal. These articles are selected by the Editorial Board, which then appoints two editors – possibly one foreign and one Italian – for this section. Articles are provided both upon invitation and a general call published on the Journal website.

The section aims to expand our view to ever broader horizons, in the perspective of intersection between the three major themes:  identity, memory and technology. Starting from architectural and engineering contexts, will be discussed issues related to the three major themes, which in turn, in a play of multiple reflections, may refer to other themes, in a continuous exchange between many directions of research.


Each issue of the magazine intends to collect and promote a drawing from the drawing archive of the Faculty of Architecture of the University of Florence

Dedicated to the promotion of activities, events, publications, workshops and seminars, organized within the Department of Architecture of the University of Florence, with the aim of developing a catalog of scientific production in the area of Drawing.

is dedicated to scripts for Generative Modeling and the relationships between the forms of Descriptive Geometry and the specifics of Architectural Modeling.

The Journal publishes in every issue an interview with a scholar whose work is of particular interest. Interviews are realized upon invitation from the Editorial Board. To this end the Board also takes into consideration proposals for possible interviews sent through the platform.

Continuous Line

The Continuous Line section of the TRIBELON journal focuses on gathering and publishing independent scientific contributions and articles that are not related to the themes of the biannual monographic issues. This section aims to provide a dynamic and ever-active platform where researchers, scholars, and professionals can present the results of their investigations, exploring original, innovative, or cross-cutting topics that transcend the journal's main themes.

Continuous Line aims to foster constant and open scientific dialogue, highlighting contributions that expand the boundaries of knowledge and representation. Through the publication of high-quality articles, this section promotes the continuous enrichment of academic and cultural debates, creating a living and accessible archive of original reflections and research. Continuous Line thus positions itself as a crossroads of disciplines, capable of accommodating heterogeneous content that reflects the complexity and plurality of contemporary knowledge while always maintaining scientific and methodological rigour.