Call for Papers

Call for Papers - Vol.1, No. 2 (2024)  (PDF eng) (PDF ita)

Topic: Drawing: Interaction Spaces

The proposed topic for the call aims to provoke a broad and detailed reflection on the role of Drawing in shaping places of imagination, in representing or suggesting settings and spaces, including digital ones, where critical interpretation or analysis activities can converge. Reinterpreted or abstract places that support design and dialogue, or digital spaces in the form of databases. In each case, drawing structures the signifier and conveys it through images or models, in forms and compositions of signs provided with grammars aimed at communication and interaction with knowledge. The need to delve deeper into this narrative dimension of Drawing stems from the necessity to offer a perspective on the inclusive and participatory processes that characterize research, specifying the role of representation as a form of dialogue that transcends scientific disciplines.

Theoretical reflections, systematic reviews, meta-analyses, qualitative and quantitative research, best practices, field experiences, analysis of the thought and graphic techniques of drawings and works that, over time and in the present, have contributed and continue to contribute to the realization of critical thoughts on the science of representation are expected and welcomed. 

Papers, in the form of essays/articles, in accordance with the editorial standards, should be submitted to the journal's editorial office by the following dates:

Abstract: September 1st, 2024
Full paper: October 15th, 2024
Publication: December 2024



Call for Papers - Vol.1, No. 1 (2024)  (PDF eng) (PDF ita)

Topic: Drawing between Tradition and Innovation

The first issue of the journal aims to explore the relationship between traditional drawing and the new frontiers of the science of representation, promoting a discussion on the graphic values and the persistence of the sign in the various meanings characterizing the research products. TRIBELON intends, in this issue, to relate the contribution of drawing to manuals, specifically the drawing treatises, and the transformation of the sign and graphic language in the narrative of architectural components with a dual focus on the past and the future. The theme also concerns the evolution of teaching practices of the discipline in architecture schools, particularly in relation to recent developments in digital representation practices. The need to consider this aspect as a starting point for the journal arises from the necessity to define an evolutionary process in drawing to guide the view towards the dimension, even historicized, of representation as an expression of human action concerning the definition of socio-cultural contexts.

Theoretical reflections, systematic reviews, meta-analyses, qualitative and quantitative research, good practices, field experiences, analysis of the thought and graphic techniques of drawings and works that, over time and currently, have contributed and contribute to the realization of critical thoughts on the science of representation are expected and welcomed.


Papers, in the form of essays/articles, in accordance with the editorial standards, should be submitted to the journal's editorial office by the following dates:

Abstract: April, 1st 2024

Full paper: June 1st, 2024 

Pubblication: July, 2024