Editorial Process

TRIBELON accepts proposals for high-level scientific contributions, evaluated by an international scientific committee and subjected to a careful review and refereeing process. Contributions have to focus on issues of concern to the journal. The journal promotes the quality and transparency of the selection and review procedures for submitted articles. This selection and evaluation mechanism promotes the quality of contributions by supporting the updating and dialogue of scientific research. To ensure transparency, authors are required to specify funding sources and detail requirements for ethical research in the submitted manuscript (see Author Guidelines). All authors must confirm that they fit the definition of an author (see Authorship Guidelines), during submission.


Criteria for acceptance

TRIBELON Journal publishes research papers, review essays, interviews. The main criteria for acceptance of submitted work are originality, scholarly rigor, significance for further inquiry, quality of presentation, and consistency with the topic and approach of the section or of the call.

Authors must submit contributions that have not been published previously in other journals, nor in any other form of communication. TRIBELON considers articles published elsewhere as long as the authors assume full responsibility for the copyright terms, relieving TRIBELON any burden on it.


Publication Frequency

The journal is published twice a year, in June and December.