Development of Female Gametophyte in Gladiolus italicus Miller (Iridaceae)
Gladiolus italicus, Iridaceae, embryo sac, Polygonum typeAbstract
In this study gynoecium, megasporogenesis, megagametogenesis and female gametophyte of Gladiolus italicus Miller were examined cytologically and histologically by using light microscopy techniques. Ovules of G. italicus are of anatropous, bitegmic and crassinucellate type. Embryo sac development is of monosporic Polygonum type. Polar nuclei fuse before fertilization to form a secondary nucleus near the antipodals. The female gametophyte development of G. italicus was investigated for the first time with this study.
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van der Burgt X.M., Konomou G., Haba P.M., Magassouba S. 2019. Gladiolus mariae (Iridaceae), a new species from fire-free shrubland in the Kounounkan Massif, Guinea. Willdenowia 49: 117 – 126.
Chichiricco G. 1987. Megasporogenesis and development of embryo sac in Crocus sativus L. Caryologia. 40:59-69.
Chichiricco G. 1989. Embryology of Crocus thomasii (Iridaceae). Plant Systematics and Evolution. 168:39-47.
Christenhusz M.J.M., Byng J.W. 2016.The number of known plants species in the world and its annual increase. Phytotaxa. 261(3):201-217.
Davis G.L. 1966. Systematic embryology of the angiosperms. Wiley. New York.
Demeshko O.V., Kovalev V.N., Mykhailenko O.A., Krivoruchko E.V. 2020. Carboxylic acids from leaves of Gladiolus hybridus. Chemistry of Natural Compounds. 56(2):312-314.
Demir S., Çelikel F.G. 2019. Endangered Gladiolus Species of Turkey. Turkish Journal of Agriculture - Food Science and Technology. 7(5):693-697.
Dönmez O.E., I??k S. 2008. Pollen morphology of Turkish Amaryllidaceae, Ixioliriaceae and Iridaceae. Grana. 47:15-38.
Ekici N., Dane F. 2008. Cytological and histological studies on female gametophyte of Leucojum aestivum (Amaryllidaceae). Biologia. 63(1):67-72.
Erol O., Uzen E., Kucuker O. 2006. Preliminary SEM observations on the seed testa structure of Gladiolus L. species from Turkey. International Journal of Botany. 2:125-127.
Fakhraei L.M., Rahimi M.A., Ghanavati F. 2011. Karyotypic studies of Gladiolus italicus Mill population. New Cellular and Molecular Biotechnology Journal. 1(4):37-47.
Goldblatt P. 1996. Gladiolus in Tropical Africa. Systematics Biology and Evolution. Portland, USA: Timber Press.
Güner A., Aslan S., Ekim T., Vural M., Babaç M.T. (edlr.). 2012. Türkiye bitkileri listesi (damarl? bitkiler). Nezahat Gökyi?it Botanik Bahçesi ve Flora Ara?t?rmalar? Derne?i Yay?n?. historesin-1/
Johri B.M., Ambegaokar K.B., Srivastava P.S. 1992. Comparative embryology of angiosperms. Berlin: Springer-Verlag.
Kamari G., Blanche C., Garbari F. 2001. Mediterranean chromosome number reports Flora Mediterranea, 11:435-483.
Lakshmanan K.K., Philip V.J. 1971. A contribution to the embryology of Iridaceae. Proceedings of the Indian Academy of Sciences, 73:110-116.
Mensinkai S.W. 1939. Cytological studies in the genus Gladiolus. Cytologia. 10:51-58.
Nguedia J.C.A., Etoa F.X., Benga V.P., Lontsi D., Kuete Y., Moyou R.S. 2004. Anti-candidal property and acutetoxicity of Gladiolus gregasius Baker (Iridaceae). Pharmacopée et Médecine Traditionnelle Africaine. 13:149-159.
O’Brien T.P., Feder N., McCully M.E. 1964. Polychromatic staining of plant cell walls by Toluidine Blue O. Protoplasma. 59:368-373.
Ohri D., Khoshoo T.N. 1985. Cytogenetics of garden Gladiolus II. Variation in chromosome complement and meiotic system. Cytologia. 50:213-231.
Öztürk M., Özçelik H. 1991. Useful plants of East Anatolia. S?SKAV (Siirt ?lim, Spor, Kültür ve Ara?t?rma Vakf?), Siirt.
Perez E., Pastor J. 1994. Contribution al studio cariologico de la familia Iridaceae en Andalucia occidental. Lagascalia. 17:257-272.
Sa??ro?lu M., Akgül G. 2014. Gladiolus osmaniyensis (Iridaceae), a new species from South Anatolia, Turkey. Turkish Journal of Botany. 38:31-36.
Tan K., Edmondson J.R. 1984. Gladiolus L. In: Davis P.H. (ed). Flora of Turkey and the East Aegean Islands, Vol.8. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press.
Tan K., Mathew B., Baytop A. 2006. Gladiolus attilae (Iridaceae), a new species from East Anatolia, Turkey. Phytologia Balcanica. 12:71-73.
Üçüncü O., Baltac? C., ?lter S.M. 2016. Gladiolus italicus Miller bitkisinin uçucu ya??n?n kimyasal bile?imi ve biyoaktif özellikleri. Gümü?hane University Journal of Science and Technology Institute. 6:150-156.
Ünal M. 2011. Bitki (Angiosperm) Embriyolojisi. ?stanbul: Nobel Yay?n Da??t?m.
Üzen E. 1999. Türkiye’nin baz? Gladiolus türleri üzerinde biyosistematik ara?t?rmalar. ?stanbul Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, ?stanbul.
Van Raamsdonk L.W.D., Vries de T. 1989: Biosystematic studies in European species of Gladiolus (Iridaceae). Plant Systematics and Evolution. 165:189-198.
Venkateswarlu J., Sarojini D.P., Nirmala A. 1980. Embryological studies in Eleutherine plieata Herb. and Belamcanda ehinensis Lem. Proceedings of the Indian Academy of Sciences. 89(5):361-367.
Zhang D., Wang L., Zhuo L. 2011. Embryology of Iris mandshurica Maxim. (Iridaceae) and its systematic relation. Plant Systematics and Evolution. 293: 43-52.
van der Burgt X.M., Konomou G., Haba P.M., Magassouba S. 2019. Gladiolus mariae (Iridaceae), a new species from fire-free shrubland in the Kounounkan Massif, Guinea. Willdenowia 49: 117 – 126.
Chichiricco G. 1987. Megasporogenesis and development of embryo sac in Crocus sativus L. Caryologia. 40:59-69.
Chichiricco G. 1989. Embryology of Crocus thomasii (Iridaceae). Plant Systematics and Evolution. 168:39-47.
Christenhusz M.J.M., Byng J.W. 2016.The number of known plants species in the world and its annual increase. Phytotaxa. 261(3):201-217.
Davis G.L. 1966. Systematic embryology of the angiosperms. Wiley. New York.
Demeshko O.V., Kovalev V.N., Mykhailenko O.A., Krivoruchko E.V. 2020. Carboxylic acids from leaves of Gladiolus hybridus. Chemistry of Natural Compounds. 56(2):312-314.
Demir S., Çelikel F.G. 2019. Endangered Gladiolus Species of Turkey. Turkish Journal of Agriculture - Food Science and Technology. 7(5):693-697.
Dönmez O.E., I??k S. 2008. Pollen morphology of Turkish Amaryllidaceae, Ixioliriaceae and Iridaceae. Grana. 47:15-38.
Ekici N., Dane F. 2008. Cytological and histological studies on female gametophyte of Leucojum aestivum (Amaryllidaceae). Biologia. 63(1):67-72.
Erol O., Uzen E., Kucuker O. 2006. Preliminary SEM observations on the seed testa structure of Gladiolus L. species from Turkey. International Journal of Botany. 2:125-127.
Fakhraei L.M., Rahimi M.A., Ghanavati F. 2011. Karyotypic studies of Gladiolus italicus Mill population. New Cellular and Molecular Biotechnology Journal. 1(4):37-47.
Goldblatt P. 1996. Gladiolus in Tropical Africa. Systematics Biology and Evolution. Portland, USA: Timber Press.
Güner A., Aslan S., Ekim T., Vural M., Babaç M.T. (edlr.). 2012. Türkiye bitkileri listesi (damarl? bitkiler). Nezahat Gökyi?it Botanik Bahçesi ve Flora Ara?t?rmalar? Derne?i Yay?n?. historesin-1/
Johri B.M., Ambegaokar K.B., Srivastava P.S. 1992. Comparative embryology of angiosperms. Berlin: Springer-Verlag.
Kamari G., Blanche C., Garbari F. 2001. Mediterranean chromosome number reports Flora Mediterranea, 11:435-483.
Lakshmanan K.K., Philip V.J. 1971. A contribution to the embryology of Iridaceae. Proceedings of the Indian Academy of Sciences, 73:110-116.
Mensinkai S.W. 1939. Cytological studies in the genus Gladiolus. Cytologia. 10:51-58.
Nguedia J.C.A., Etoa F.X., Benga V.P., Lontsi D., Kuete Y., Moyou R.S. 2004. Anti-candidal property and acutetoxicity of Gladiolus gregasius Baker (Iridaceae). Pharmacopée et Médecine Traditionnelle Africaine. 13:149-159.
O’Brien T.P., Feder N., McCully M.E. 1964. Polychromatic staining of plant cell walls by Toluidine Blue O. Protoplasma. 59:368-373.
Ohri D., Khoshoo T.N. 1985. Cytogenetics of garden Gladiolus II. Variation in chromosome complement and meiotic system. Cytologia. 50:213-231.
Öztürk M., Özçelik H. 1991. Useful plants of East Anatolia. S?SKAV (Siirt ?lim, Spor, Kültür ve Ara?t?rma Vakf?), Siirt.
Perez E., Pastor J. 1994. Contribution al studio cariologico de la familia Iridaceae en Andalucia occidental. Lagascalia. 17:257-272.
Sa??ro?lu M., Akgül G. 2014. Gladiolus osmaniyensis (Iridaceae), a new species from South Anatolia, Turkey. Turkish Journal of Botany. 38:31-36.
Tan K., Edmondson J.R. 1984. Gladiolus L. In: Davis P.H. (ed). Flora of Turkey and the East Aegean Islands, Vol.8. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press.
Tan K., Mathew B., Baytop A. 2006. Gladiolus attilae (Iridaceae), a new species from East Anatolia, Turkey. Phytologia Balcanica. 12:71-73.
Üçüncü O., Baltac? C., ?lter S.M. 2016. Gladiolus italicus Miller bitkisinin uçucu ya??n?n kimyasal bile?imi ve biyoaktif özellikleri. Gümü?hane University Journal of Science and Technology Institute. 6:150-156.
Ünal M. 2011. Bitki (Angiosperm) Embriyolojisi. ?stanbul: Nobel Yay?n Da??t?m.
Üzen E. 1999. Türkiye’nin baz? Gladiolus türleri üzerinde biyosistematik ara?t?rmalar. ?stanbul Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, ?stanbul.
Van Raamsdonk L.W.D., Vries de T. 1989: Biosystematic studies in European species of Gladiolus (Iridaceae). Plant Systematics and Evolution. 165:189-198.
Venkateswarlu J., Sarojini D.P., Nirmala A. 1980. Embryological studies in Eleutherine plieata Herb. and Belamcanda ehinensis Lem. Proceedings of the Indian Academy of Sciences. 89(5):361-367.
Zhang D., Wang L., Zhuo L. 2011. Embryology of Iris mandshurica Maxim. (Iridaceae) and its systematic relation. Plant Systematics and Evolution. 293: 43-52.
How to Cite
Kartal, C., Ekici, N., Kargac?o?lu, A., & Nurcan A??rman, H. (2021). Development of Female Gametophyte in Gladiolus italicus Miller (Iridaceae). Caryologia, 74(3), 91–97.
Copyright (c) 2021 Ciler Kartal, Nuran Ekici, Almina Kargac?o?lu, Hazal Nurcan A??rman

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