No. 1 (2023)

Fashion as a Practice of Care

Paolo Franzo
Università degli Studi di Firenze
first number yellow cover of fashion highlight journal with black logo

Published 30-06-2023


  • Care,
  • Fashion Futuring,
  • Participatory Design,
  • Relationships,
  • Territory

How to Cite

Franzo, P. (2023). Fashion as a Practice of Care. Fashion Highlight, (1), 20–27.


The contribution questions the possibility that fashion and its objects can be interpreted as a practice of care, agents capable of stimulating a positive change in the relationship between people, environment and territories. Within the theoretical framework of fashion futuring, the design and social innovation workshop Talking Hands is analysed as a case study of redirection practices, which are expressed in participatory design dynamics, relationships between the subjects of creative and production processes, new narratives and synergies between people and communities.


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