Upskilling Future Workers in the Fashion Sector: An Educational Toolkit for Sustainability Assessment
Published 30-06-2023
- Education toolkit,
- SME Upskilling,
- Sustainable Fashion,
- Life Cycle Design,
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The European Commission within the Strategy for Sustainable and Circular Textiles cited circular business model solutions and ecodesign strategies as paramount for the sustainability of the textile sector. Nevertheless, how can sustainability knowledge be transmitted to the constellation of SMEs? The Eu Act for skills identified a gap between the knowledge currently owned by companies and the skills required for the green transition. The research investigated the possibilities of conducting the upskilling by integrating the Life Cycle Design approach within fashion design education. A toolkit has been developed for the qualitative and quantitative assessment of eco-design strategies in which Life Cycle Assessment analysis has a keyrole. The toolkit validation took place through a set of intensive workshops and a structured course, involving around 400 students at university level. Finally, the brands involved have enthusiastically greeted the effectiveness of students’ outcomes.
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