
Published 2025-01-09
- George L. Standart,
- Science in communist regime,
- history of chemical engineering,
- political emigration West-to-East
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Copyright (c) 2025 Věra Dvořáčková

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
George L. Standart was one of the few western scientists who decided to emigrate to communist Czechoslovakia. He was driven to do that by his leftist mindset, his conviction that there lay a more just and peaceful world behind the Iron Curtain, and also the feeling that he was at risk in his homeland, unsettled by McCarthyism. Although he was recruited as an informer first by the Soviet, and subsequently also the Czech intelligence services, they never found his work satisfactory as an agent, a situation exacerbated by his increasing academic workload. Most of all, George L. Standart was an outstanding scientist, one of the best in his discipline and at that time, who made an unexpected and unprecedented contribution to the Czechoslovak chemical sciences and their practical industrial applications.
The almost twenty years that George L. Standart and his wife spent in Prague nevertheless provides an opportunity to trace their personal and academic lives, the development of their attitudes shaped by their ideology and idealism and, partially, also the process by which the Czechoslovak security and intelligence services were established from the close of the 1940s to the late 1960s and the view they took of foreign nationals.
- V. Jeřábek et al., Českoslovenští uprchlíci ve studené válce [Czechoslovak Émigrés in the Cold War], Brno: Stilus, 2005; P. Koura, „Svědomí mi nedovolí šířit takové lži“. Český exil mezi únorem 1948 a srpnem 1968 [“Conscience would not Allow Me to Spread Such Lies”. Exiled Czechs between February 1948 and August 1968]. In L. Wittlichová (ed.), Vzkazy domů. Příběhy Čechů, kteří odešli do zahraničí (emigrace a exil 1848–1989) [Messages to Their Homes. Stories of the Czechs who Left Abroad (Emigration and Exile 1848–1989)], Praha: Dny české státnosti, Labyrint, 2012, pp. 203–215; L. Paukertová, Několik základních údajů o odchodech z Československa, 1948–1991 [Some Basic Facts about Escapes from Czechoslovakia, 1948–1991]. In S. Brouček, K. Hrubý (eds.), Češi za hranicemi na přelomu 20. a 21. století: Sympozium o českém vystěhovalectví, exulantství a vztazích zahraničních Čechů k domovu 29.–30. června 1998, Praha: Karolinum – Etnologický ústav AV ČR, 2000, pp. 25–31.
- S. Štrbáňová, A. Kostlán (eds.), Sto českých vědců v exilu [One Hundred Czech Scientists in Exile], Praha: Academia, 2011.
- D. Olšáková, “V krajině za zrcadlem. Političtí emigranti v poúnorovém Československu a případ Aymonin” [“In the Landscape Behind the Mirror. Political Émigrés in Post-February Czechoslovakia and the Aymonin Case”], Soudobé dějiny 4 (2007), pp. 719–743 (here: 738).
- P. Wright, Iron Curtain: From Stage to Cold War, Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2009, pp. 360–361.
- “Prohlášení George Wheelera, bývalého amerického plukovníka” [“Statement by George Wheeler, a Former American Colonel”], Rudé právo, 8 April 1950: 2; Kathleen Geaney, “At Home among Strangers: The Extraordinary Year 1950 in the Life of an Ordinary American Family in Communist Czechoslovakia”, Comenius: Journal of Euro-American Civilization 1 (2015), pp. 25–42.
- J. Bašta, “Propagandistické využití kausy amerického emigranta G. S. Wheelera: Dezinformace StB ve sdělovacích prostředcích” [“Propagandistic Use of the Case of American Émigré G. S. Wheeler: Disinformation by the Secret Police in the Mass Media”], Securitas Imperii 7 (2001), pp. 224–251 (here: 225).
- M. Eiroa, Españoles tras el Telón de Acero: El exilio republicano y comunista en la Europa socialista, Madrid: Marcial Pons Historia 2018.
- J. Petráň, Filozofové dělají revoluci [Philosophers Doing the Revolution], Praha: Karolinum, 2015, p. 186.
- Cf. e.g. S. I. Zhuk, The KGB, Russian Academic Imperialism, Ukraine, and Western Academia, 1946–2024, Lexington Books, 2024, pp. 71–90.
- S. T. Usdin, Engineering Communism: How Two Americans Spied for Stalin and Founded the Soviet Silicon Valley, Yale University Press, 2005, p. 19.
- According to Nadler’s Recollections, they were Filipp Staros and Joe Berg, see M. Nadler, No regrets. In P. Golan, R. Kolliner (eds.), Almanach historie Výzkumného ústavu matematických strojů 1950–1997, Díl V.: Osobnosti VÚMS a vzpomínky aktérů. Praha, 2021, pp. 258–285 (here: 267).
- M. Kuchment, “The American Connection to Soviet Microelectronics”, Physics Today, 9 (1985), pp. 44–50 (here: 47).
- Archiv bezpečnostních složek (Security Services Archive, ABS), Svazky tajných spolupracovníků [Informer Files], sign. TS 114876 MV, Morton Nadler.
- Masaryk Institute and Archives of the Czech Academy of Sciences, Archiv Akademie věd ČR, Ústav matematických strojů ČSAV, box 11, inv. č. 24, Morton Nadler’s Letter to Section I of the ČSAV of 28 March 1957.
- H. Durnová, D. Olšáková, “Academic Asylum Seekers in the Communist Czechoslovakia”, in Scholars in Exile and Dictatorship of the 20th Century, ed. Marco Stella, Soňa Štrbáňová and Antonín Kostlán, Praha: Centre for the History of Sciences and Humanities of the Institute for Contemporary History of the Czech Academy of Sciences, 2011, pp. 90–103 (here: 95).
- N. Menon, ‘Fancy Calculating Machine’: Computers and planning in independent India. Modern Asian Studies 2 (2018), pp. 421–457 (here: 422).
- P. Deery, Cold War Victim or Rhodes Scholar Spy? Revisiting the Case of Ian Milner. Overland 47 (1997), pp. 9–12.
- D. Ball, D. Horner, Breaking the Codes: Australia’s KGB Network, 1944–1950, St Leonards, NSW: Allen & Unwin, 1998.
- R. C. S. Trahair, R. L. Miller, Encyclopaedia of Cold War, Espionage, Spies, and Secret Operations, New York: Enigma Books, 2009, pp. 248–250.
- A. R. Jackson, Socialism Tells its Own Story: Ian Milner and the Dream of a Redeemed Socialism in the Prague Spring, New Zealand Journal of History 2 (2021), pp. 3–31.
- Cf. T. Heenan, “Milner, Ian Frank (1911–1991)”, in Australian Dictionary of Bibliography, Volume 19: 1991–1995, ed. Melanie Nolan, Malcolm Allbrook (Canberra: ANU Press, 2021), pp. 587–588; P. Hrubý, Nebezpeční snílci: Australská levice a Československo [Dangerous Dreamers: Australian Left and Czechoslovakia], Brno: Stilus, 2007, pp. 123–228.
- ABS, Svazky kontrarozvědného rozpracování [Operative Files], sign. KR 638164 MV, George Shaw Wheeler.
- ABS, Svazky tajných spolupracovníků [Informer Files], sign. TS 621743 MV, John Frank Milner.
- I. Milner, English Prose and Poetry: Reader for Language and Literature Courses, Praha: SPN, 1974.
- His publications include, for instance, M. Nadler, Elektronkový oscilograf: instruktivní pomůcka technikům a zájemcům [Valve Oscillograph: Instructive Guide for Technicians and Interested Parties]. Praha: SNTL, 1954; M. Nadler, V. Nessel, Elektronkový osciloskop [Valve Oscilloscope]. Praha: SNTL, 1960.
- Unless otherwise noted, all biographical information for George L. Standard and his wife is quoted from ABS, Svazky tajných spolupracovníků [Informer Files], sign. TS 741518 MV, George Standart and sign. TS 442023 MV, Phoebe Standart.
- L. Pauling, “My Efforts to Obtain a Passport”, Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists 7 (1952), pp. 253–256.
- ABS, Svazky tajných spolupracovníků [Informer Files], sign. TS 741518 MV, George Standart.
- M. Bendová, Eduard Hála, Praha: Institute of Chemical Process Fundamentals of the Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic in Academia Publishers, Center of Administration and Operation AS CR, 2014, pp. 5, 17.
- O. Holeček, J. Vlček, Staré pověsti chemicko-inženýrské [Old Chemical Engineering Legends], Praha: Ústav chemického inženýrství VŠCHT, 2018, pp. 4, 10.
- ABS, Svazky tajných spolupracovníků, sign. TS 741518 MV, George Standart, p. 44.
- “Vědecké státní ceny K. G. a vyznamenání v květnu 1959” [K.G. State Scientific Awards and Honours in May 1959], Věstník Československé akademie věd 4 (1959), p. 503.
- “Filmy vyznamenané v roce 1959 na filmových přehlídkách a festivalech” [Award-winning Films in 1959 at Film Shows and Festivals]. Zpravodajství Ústřední správy Československého filmu 12 (1959), p. 14.
- V. Dvořáčková, I. Lorencová, Zaostřeno na chemii. Kapitoly z historie Vysoké školy chemicko-technologické v Praze [Focused on Chemistry. Chapters on the History of the University of Chemistry and Technology in Prague], Praha: Vydavatelství VŠCHT, 2022, p. 104.
- Namely a focus on heavy industry, the destruction of the free market, liquidation of private ownership, collectivisation of agriculture, etc.
- Cf. e.g. MÚA, A AV ČR, Řízení a správa ČSAV I [ČSAV Management and Administration I], Box 18, sign. 78, Records from the meeting of chairmen and secretaries of commissions for the preparation of “Key Directions of Scientific Research Work until 1960”.
- Cf. e.g. MÚA, A AV ČR, ÚTAM ČSAV, uncatalogued, Myslivec, Alois: Comments on the Theses of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Czechoslovakia Regarding the Development of Science and Technology, 1 July 1967.
- Interview with Prof. Miloš Marek by Věra Dvořáčková, 16 November 2021.
- ABS, Svazky tajných spolupracovníků [Informer Files], sign. TS 741518 MV, George Standart, The Informer “Vasek” – Periodical Assessment, 1958, p. 70.
- For details on the activities of intelligence and security services in postwar Czechoslovakia, cf. e.g. J. Frolík, Nástin organizačního vývoje státobezpečnostních složek SNB v letech 1948–1989 [Outline of the Organisational Development of State Security in 1948–1989]. Sborník archivních prací č. 2, 1991; F. Koudelka, Státní bezpečnost 1954–1968 (Základní údaje) [State Security, 1954–1968 (Basic Facts)]. Sešity Ústavu pro soudobé dějiny AV ČR, Svazek 13, Praha: Ústav pro soudobé dějiny AV ČR, 1993; K. Kaplan, Nebezpečná bezpečnost (Státní bezpečnost 1948–1956) [Dangerous Security (State Security in 1948–1956)], Brno: Doplněk, 1999; J. Dvořáková, Státní bezpečnost v letech 1945–1953 (Organizační vývoj zpravodajských a státně bezpečnostních složek) [State Security in 1945–1953 (Organisational Development of the Intelligence and State Security Services)]. Praha: Úřad dokumentace a vyšetřování zločinů komunismu, 2007; J. Kalous, Štěpán Plaček. Život zpravodajského fanatika ve službách KSČ [Štěpán Plaček. The Life of an Intelligence Fanatic in the Service of the Communist Party]. ÚSTR, Praha 2010; J. Dvořáková, Z. Jurová, P. Kaňák, Československá rozvědka a pražské jaro [The Czechoslovak Foreign Intelligence and the Prague Spring]. Praha: ÚSTR, 2016; K. Verdery, Secrets and Truths: Ethnography in the Archive of Romania’s Secret Police. Budapest: Central European University Press, 2014.
- ABS, Svazky tajných spolupracovníků [Informer Files], sign. TS 442023 MV, Phoebe Anne Standart, p. 69.
- ABS, Svazky tajných spolupracovníků [Informer Files], sign. TS 741518 MV, George Standart, Identification Statement, 7 August 1952, p. 18.
- F. Koudelka, Státní bezpečnost 1954–1968 (Základní údaje). Sešity Ústavu pro soudobé dějiny AV ČR, Svazek 13, Praha: Ústav pro soudobé dějiny AV ČR, 1993, p. 53.
- ABS, Svazky tajných spolupracovníků [Informer Files], sign. TS 741518 MV, George Standart, Closing Report No. 9, 8 February 1963.
- J. Hanika (ed.), Ústav chemických procesů AV ČR, v. v. i., Almanach 1960–2010 [CAS Institute of Chemical Processes. Anthology, 1960–2010], Praha: Ústav chemických procesů AV ČR 2010, pp. 4–11, 38–39, 56.
- ABS, Svazky tajných spolupracovníků [Informer Files], sign. TS 741518 MV, George Standart, Informer Dispatch No. 4/Fx.