Published 2022-11-04
- Kuroda Chika,
- organic chemistry,
- chemistry in Japan,
- women scientists in Japan,
- Ochanomizu University
- Tohoku University,
- plants dyes ...More
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Copyright (c) 2023 Yona Siderer

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Kuroda Chika was the first Japanese woman to graduate in chemistry. This article describes her early education and subsequent career in chemical research in Japan from 1913, and includes two years in Oxford (1921-1923). Her career as a researcher in The Physical and Chemical Research Institute (RIKEN) and as a professor at Ochanomizu University in Tokyo is described. Kuroda’s organic chemistry studies, specifically the identification of the constitution of plant dyes is described. The status of female education and female employment in Japan during the first half of the twentieth century are also considered. Later in her career the achievements of Kuroda Chika were acknowledged with prestigious prizes and awards.
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- K. Arai, Chemical Heritage Japan Program: Introduction to the History of Chemistry in Japan. Published in Kagakushi, The Journal of the Japanese Society for the History of Chemistry, Tokyo. Vol. 48, No. 3 2021 (number 176), p. 166 (38).
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- Dodonaeus in Japan. Translation and the Scientific Mind in the Tokugawa Period. (Eds. W.E. Vande Walle, co-Editor Kazuhiko Kasaya). Leuven University Press and International Research Center for Japanese Studies, Kyoto. 2001. ISBN90 5867 179 8.
- A. Einstein, The Travel Diaries of Albert Einstein in the Far East, Palestine & Spain 1922-1923. Einstein’s “Chat about My Impressions in Japan” Manuscript completed on or after 7 December 1922, published January 1923. (Ed.: Z. Rosenkranz), Princeton University Press. Princeton and Oxford, 2018, 245. ISBN: 9780691174419.
- S. Endo, N. Kato, M. Kōda, K. Matsuda, Studies on Udagawa Youan’s Botanical works housed in the Kyō-U Library, Takeda Science Foundation. (In Japanese). 遠藤正治, 加藤諳重, 幸田正孝, 松田清. 宇田川榕 菴 植物学資料の研究 杏雨書屋所蔵.
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- Y. Furukawa, Tokyo Institute of Technology Tuesday Seminar handout 8 December 2020: 日本にお ける女性科学者の誕生:戦前期研究者の経歴 からの一考察 (In Japanese). Translation: Birth of Female Scientists in Japan: A Study from the Career of Prewar Researchers. Cited in: Furukawa Yasu, Exploring the History of Chemistry in Japan, Ambix 2021 68-2-3, 302-317, DOI 10.1080/00026980.2021.1930675. ref. 53 in the above mentioned.
- A. M. Harrington, Women and Higher Education in the Japanese Empire (1895-1945), Journal of Asian History,
- Published by Harrassowitz Verlag. 1987, vol. 21 No. 2, pp. 169-186. Content downloaded from on Tue. 02 Aug 2022. Stable URL: https://www.jstor.org/stable/41930686
- R. W. Hoffmann, Classical Methods in Structural Elucidation of Natural Products. Wiley-HCA, May 2018. ISBN: 978-3-906-39073-4.
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- Kuroda Chika Articles: A list of Kuroda’s article is presented on Ochanomizu University website: https://www.lib.ocha.ac.jp/archives/en/researcher/kuroda_chika.html?grid=txtlink
- Y. Kozai, S. Kawashima, T. Tominaga, T. Hisatome, K. Saruhashi (Eds.). My Life Twenty Japanese Women Scientists. Uchida Rokakuho Press, Tokyo Japan 2001.
- Catalog Kuroda Chika 31-41 PDF. 1. 学術論文リスト p. 32. The articles are numbered chronologically, starting with Ku-1001. The titles of Kuroda’s articles presented in this article are listed below.
- C. Kuroda (Ku-1001), 紫根の色素 について、東京化学会誌 39, 1051-1115 1918 (in Japanese).
- C. Kuroda (Ku-1004), The Constitution of Carthamin. Part I. Proc. Imp Acad., 1929, 5, 32.
- C. Kuroda (Ku-1005), The Constitution of Carthamin. Part II. Proc. Imp Acad., 1929, 5, 82.
- C. Kuroda (Ku-1006), The Constitution of Carthamin. Part III. ß-Carthamidin Methyl Ether and its Synthesis Proc. Imp. Acad., 1929 5, 86. C. Kuroda (Ku-1014), The Colouring Matter of “Awobana”. Preliminary Report. Proc. Imp. Acad., 1931, 7, 61.
- C. Kuroda and M. Wada (Ku-1026), Kuromamin, the Coloring Matter of “Kuromame”. Part III Proc. Imp. Acad. Japan, 1935, 11, 189.
- C. Kuroda and M. Wada (Ku-1030), The Constitution of Natural Colouring Matters, Kuromamin, Shisonin,
- and Nasunin. Bull. Chem. Soc. Japan. 1936, 11, 272.
- C. Kuroda and M. Wada (Ku-1031), Studies on the Constitution of Shikonin. Syntheses of Iso-hexylnaphtazarin and Related Compounds, Proc. Imp. Acad., 1936, 12, 239.
- C. Kuroda and H. Ohshima (Ku-1035), The Pigments of the Sea-urchins and the Syntheses of Related Compounds. Institute of Physical and Chemical Research, Tokyo, (Comm. By R. Majima, M.I.A. May 13, Proc. Imp. Acad., 1940, 16, 214).
- C. Kuroda and M. Umeda (Ku-1040), The Pigments and Related Compounds in the Outer Skin of Onion Bulb, Proc. Japan Acad., 1949, 25, 229. C. Kuroda and M. Okajima (Ku-1048), The Studies of the Derivatives of Naphthoquinones Part XI. The pigments from the Sea-Urchins, VI. Proc. Japan Acad., 1953, 29, 27.
- C. Kuroda, (Ku-1049), The New Syntheses of Naphthazarin and Related Compounds. J. S. R.I., 1953, 47, 61.
- C. Kuroda and M. Okajima (Ku-1056), Studies on the Derivatives of Naphthoquinones XVIII. The Pigments of Sea-urchins XIII. Proc. Japan Acad., 1967, 43, 41.
- C. Kuroda (Ku-2006), 「化学の道に生きて」前編、婦人の友、 3 月写 1957-28- 77. Ochanomizu University archive. お茶の水女子大学ジェンダー研究センター編集 発行. Kuroda Memoirs “Living the Road of Chemistry” 1957, (Ku-2006), -33- 72). (In Japanese)
- C. Kuroda (Ku-2012), 黒田チカ 「おなじお釜のご飯」“Rice from the Same Pot” 化学と工業,Chemistry & Chemical Industry, 1961, Vol. 14 No. 12, 1158. (In Japanese).
- C. Kuroda (Ku-5001), Research results specimen 研究業績標本 Murasaki and Carthamin. (Fig. 12) Shikonin, 実験資料 Experimental material in Ochanomizu University Archive, digital research center p. 48.
- Kuroda Chika Life History, Ochanomizu University digital research center, p. 21.
- K. Kuroda, 黒田チカの生涯 The Life of Kuroda Chika in 化学史への招待 Invitation to the History of Chemistry. Chapter 5 Section 3: 化学史学会編 Compiled by The Japanese Society for the History of Chemistry, Ohmsha. 2019. pp. 178-189. (In Japanese).
- K. Kuroda, 黒田チカの生涯一最初の女子学生の教育、研究、人間、社会一. (The Life of Chika Kuroda-Education, research, human beings, and society of the first female student-. Report English title: Life History of Professor Chika Kuroda, the First Woman Student of a University in Japan. Report of a research (Kakenhi) 2014-2017, on Kuroda Chika’s belongings donated to Tohoku University, stored in the Archives as “Chika Kuroda Materials” 黒田チカ資料. Report dated 2018 (Heisei 30, June 19). (In Japanese).
- R. Levy, Wild Flowers of Japan, A Field Guide, Kodansha International, Tokyo-New York-London, 1995 ISBN
- -7700-1 809-6 p. 150.
- Maeda Koko, Ochanomizu University digital research center publication p. 8. Materials related to Chika Kuroda’s research on natural pigments, A pioneering female chemist, 黒田チカの天然色素研究関連資料 認定化学遺産 第019 号女性化学者のさきがけ、化学遺産認定 第4回 2013 年 3 月 Published by 公益社団法人日本化学
- 会 化学遺産委員会The Chemical Society of Japan, Chemical Heritage Commission March 2013. (In Japanese).
- Tohoku University Archives. Email to Y. Siderer 15.1.2021
- R. Majima and C. Kuroda (Ku-1002), On the coloring Matter of Lithospermum Erythrorhizon, Acta Phytochimica, 1922, 1, 43. http://web.tuat.ac.jp/~oginolab/japanese/essay/20190715/20190715.html
- J. Morrell, W.H. Perkin Jr. at Manchester and Oxford: From Irwell to Isis, Osiris, 2nd series, VII, Research Schools: Historical Reappraisals, 1993, pp. 104-26, on p. 109.
- P. J. T. Morris, The Matter Factory, A History of the Chemistry Laboratory. Reaktion Books Ltd. London, 2015, 160.
- Nakanishi Koji, A Wandering Natural Products Chemist, Jeffrey I. Seeman Series Editor, American Chemical
- Society, Washington DC 1991, 30. A photo of Robinson lecture in Japan in about 1953 is included in Nakanishi Koji book, p. 31.
- Ochanomizu University Library Website (28.10.2022): https://www.lib.ocha.ac.jp/archives/en/researcher/kuroda_chika.html?grid=txtlink
- Otsubo Sumiko, Women Scientists and Gender Ideology. A Companion to the Anthropology of Japan, (Ed.
- Jennifer Robertson), Blackwell Publishing, Oxford, 2008, 457.
- W.H. Perkin Jnr. and Kuroda Chika (Ku-1003), Derivatives of Phthalonic acid, 4:5-Dimethoxyphthalonic Acid and 4:5 Dimethoxy-o-tolyglyoxylic Acid. J. Chem. Soc., Transactions, 1923, 123, 2094-2111.
- RIKEN A Century of Discovery, The History of RIKEN, 2019. https://www.riken.jp/en/about/history/history_book/ Received link from RIKEN 20.10.2021.
- A. Robertson and R. and Robinson, VI. Notes on the characterization of the anthocyanins and anthocyanidins
- by means of their color reactions in alkaline solutions. J. Chem. Soc. 1928, 1526.
- R. Robinson, The Structural Relation of Natural Products, Being the first Weizmann Memorial Lectures, 1953. Oxford: Clarendon Press 1955.
- Y. Siderer, Udagawa Youan (1798-1846), Pioneer of Chemistry Studies in Japan from Western Sources and his
- Successors. Published in: Substantia, an International Journal of the History of Chemistry, the University of
- Firenze, Italy. Vol. 5 no.1, March 2021, 99. https://riviste.fupress.net/index.php/subs/issue/view/52
- Y. Siderer, Udagawa Youan’s (1798-1846) translation of light and heat reactions in his book Kouso Seimika,
- Foundations of Chemistry, Springer, vol. 19 (3) 2017, 224.
- The Chemical Society of Japan, A 125-year Quest for Excellence 1873-2003, 2003, 25. Tokyo.
- R. Alexander Todd, F.R.S. and J. W. Cornforth F.R.S. Robert Robinson (13 September 1886- 8 February
- Elected F.R.S in Biographical Memoires of Fellows of the Royal Society, the Royal Society, 6 Carlton House Terrace London SW l Y 5AG. Printed by John Wright & Sons Ltd. Bristol, England. ISBN O85403 083. 1976, Vol. 22.
- Tohoku University Archives: letter from Ministry of Education including comments in red.
- W.E. Vande Walle, Dodonaeus in Japan Translation and the Scientific Mind in the Tokugawa Period. Eds.: W.E.
- Vande Walle, co-Editor K. Kasaya. Leuven University Press an International Research Center for Japanese
- Studies, Kyoto. 2001. ISBN90 5867 179 8.