Phenthoate toxicity evaluation in root meristem of Pisum sativum L.




phenthoate, seed germination, radicle length, Mitotic Index, genotoxicity, cell proliferation kinetics, Pisum sativum L.


Phenthoate is an organothiophosphate insecticide. Effect of phenthoate on the cytogenetic alterations in root tip cells of Pisum sativum L., a multiuse crop was investigated in this study. Pisum sativum L. seeds were exposed to different concentrations of phenthoate (0.1, 0.2, 0.3, 0.4, and 0.5%) and were germinated at 24°C for 72 hours and cytogenetic alterations were assessed. Analysis of mitotic index revealed that phenthoate has cytotoxic attributes, and cell proliferation kinetics frequencies showed alterations in the kinetics of the mitotic process. Phenthoate treatment of 0.1% to 0.5% resulted in an increase in the metaphases, and a reduction in prophases, anaphases, and telophases ratio, dose dependently. The findings of the study reveal that, phenthoate reduced the percentage of seed germination, mitotic index, radicle length and increased chromosomal abnormalities dose dependently. Root tip cells of Pisum sativum L. seeds treated with phenthoate showed an increased occurrence of single and double bridges, fragments, stickiness, laggard, and vagrants.


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How to Cite

Siddiqui, S. (2023). Phenthoate toxicity evaluation in root meristem of Pisum sativum L. Caryologia, 76(1), 57–66.




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