Impact of Bisphenol A on seed germination, radicle length and cytogenetic alterations in Pisum sativum L.
BPA, Seed germination, Mitotic index, Chromosomal anomalies, Pisum sativum L.Abstract
Bisphenol A (BPA) is a global transpiring pollutant and an endocrine disruptor present in the environment which has a substantial harmful effect on plants. In the present study, its effects on seed germination, radicle length and cytogenetic alterations were investigated in P. sativum root tip cells. P. sativum seeds were germinated after treating with various concentrations of BPA (2 mg/L, 5 mg/L, 10 mg/L, 15 mg/L, 20 mg/L and 25 mg/L) at 24±1°C for 72 hours and the cytogenetic variations were assessed. The investigation showed that BPA reduced the percentage of seed germination, mitotic index, radicle length (at higher concentrations) and instigated a rise in chromosomal anomalies in a dose-related manner. In total, there is an enhanced occurrence of c-mitosis, stickiness, bridges, fragments and laggards in the BPA treated root tip cells of P. sativum seeds.
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