Published 30-06-2024
- Fast fashion,
- Economic imperialism,
- Hyperconsumpion,
- Sustainable Fashion
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Copyright (c) 2024 Jacopo Battisti, Alessandro Spennato

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
Fast fashion, a phenomenon born in globalisation and consumer capitalism, represents a meeting point of commerce, culture and exploitation. Characterised by the rapid replication of catwalk trends and the relentless pursuit of profit, it has revolutionised our approach to clothing consumption. However, behind the lure of fast fashion lies a darker reality of economic imperialism and exploitation. Outsourced production in developing countries, driven by the search for cheap labour and resources, perpetuates a cycle of dependency and inequality. Furthermore, the cultural appropriation and commodification of indigenous designs further underline the colonial mentality inherent in the fast fashion industry. Navigating the complexities of globalisation and consumerism, it becomes imperative to critically examine the impacts of fast fashion on individuals and societies. By understanding the underlying forces that drive consumer behaviour and the systemic inequalities perpetuated by the industry, we can begin to challenge the status quo and imagine a more equitable and sustainable future.
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