Vol. 4 No. 4 (2022): Cultura y crisis ambiental en América Latina

Geo-Aesthetics, a concept of interdisciplinary research and artistic practice: the exposition STRATUM in Mexico City, in 2022

Peter Krieger
Universidad Autónoma de México

Published 2023-02-19


  • Anthropocene,
  • geo-aesthetics,
  • Bildwissenschaft (visual studies),
  • mega cities,
  • contemporary art

How to Cite

Krieger, P. (2023). Geo-Aesthetics, a concept of interdisciplinary research and artistic practice: the exposition STRATUM in Mexico City, in 2022. Quaderni Culturali IILA, 4(4), 53–63. https://doi.org/10.36253/qciila-2062


This article presents ideas about the function of the image, particularly in the fine arts, in the discourses on the current environmental crisis, determined by geological factors, which have a fundamental importance for the definition of the new epoch of the Anthropocene. Exemplified by an art installation in the University Museum of Sciences and Arts (MUCA, at the National Autonomous University of Mexico, UNAM), the visual strategies will be revised of how to present an alternative access to the understanding of the geomorphological destruction via the hyper-urbanization in the basin of Mexico City, i.e. the mega city and its agglomerations. The artistic geo-aesthetical intervention STRATUM, realized by artist Luis Carrera-Maul in summer/autumn of 2022, is an artificial landscape composed by ceramic and Styrofoam waste, as well as the cultivation of wild vegetation. The relation of these elements, as well as the support of the related disciplines, humanities and sciences, will be revised, focusing on the epistemic synergies materialized in this paradigmatic expression of the aesthetics of the Anthropocene.