
Substantia. An International Journal of the History of Chemistry is a open access peer-reviewed international journal dedicated to the history of Chemistry and edited by the University of Florence. Topics of interest include traditional and innovative perspectives in the development of Chemistry. Fundamentals and implications of chemical theories and related sciences, interdisciplinary works (highlighting the interconnections between Chemistry, other scientific disciplines, arts, technology, social and human sciences), contributions from unpublished sources are welcome. The journal is published open access and offers top quality original full papers, essays, experimental works, reviews, biographies and dissemination manuscripts. All contributions are in English.

Pierandrea Lo Nostro, Università degli Studi di Firenze, Italy
eISSN: 2532-3997

HIST-Substantia Outstanding Paper Award

The History of Chemistry (HIST) Division of the American Chemical Society and Substantia, edited by the Department of Chemistry of the University of Florence, launch a new "HIST-Substantia Outstanding Paper Award" to award the best history paper published in the journal. This annual award consists in a prize of 500 € that will be paid to the corresponding author of the paper.

Click here for more information.


Substantia is indexed in:


Recently the Content Selection & Advisory Board (CSAB) approved our application for indexing Substantia in Scopus.

FUP and Substantia teams are proud of this result and wish to share this announcement with the authors, readers, editors and reviewers of the journal. With their contributions we achieved this remarkable goal.


Current IssueVol 8, No 2 (2024)

Published August 29, 2024

Issue Description

Cover image: “Scratching the mirror plane”, photograph of a European oystercatcher taken at Zschorna lakes near Dresden, Germany. Courtesy of Prof. Andreas Fery, IPF and TU Dresden, Germany, 2024.


Table of Contents


Research Articles

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Community Message:

The current circumstances that we are experiencing, with the massive spreading of Covid-19 from the Far East to Europe, to the US and to the rest of the world, motivate us to publish a special issue of Substantia dedicated to the coronavirus epidemic that is ravaging our societies. 
As the situation changes very quickly, we will create an “Open Stream” section of Substantia to speed up the publication. 

Substantia. An International Journal of the History of Chemistry 

Substantia is an open access peer-reviewed academic international journal dedicated to traditional perspectives as well as innovative and synergetic implications of history and philosophy of Chemistry.  It is meant to be a crucible for discussions on science, on making science and its outcomes. Substantia hosts discussions on the connections between chemistry and other horizons of human activities, and on the historical aspects of chemistry.

eISSN: 2532-3997

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