Research Articles
Equivalence of Electromagnetic Fluctuation and Nuclear (Yukawa) Forces: the π₀ Meson, its Mass and Lifetime

Published 2022-12-05
- Casimir-effect,
- positron-electron-plasma,
- Meson-theory,
- lifetime
How to Cite
Ninham, B. W., Brevik, I., & Boström, M. (2022). Equivalence of Electromagnetic Fluctuation and Nuclear (Yukawa) Forces: the π₀ Meson, its Mass and Lifetime. Substantia, 7(1), 7–14.
Copyright (c) 2022 Barry W. Ninham, Prof. Iver Brevik, Mathias Boström

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
It is shown how Maxwell’s equations for the electromagnetic field with Planck quantisation of allowed modes appears to provide a semiclassical account of nuclear interactions. The mesons emerge as plasmons, collective excitations in an electron positron pair sea. The lifetime and mass of mesons are predicted.
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