
  • OAr Journal

    O(oral)Ar(chives) journal (OArJ) is an open access peer-reviewed international journal dedicated to oral sources. It aims at offering a critical space for discussing issues related to the construction, maintenance, use and reuse of oral archives. The journal publishes academically rigorous and original works in Italian, French and English. It is published once a year, available online in open access.

  • TRIBELON Journal of Architectural Studies, Identity, Memory and Digitization of Cultural Heritage

    TRIBELON Journal of Architectural Studies, Identity, Memory and Digitization of Cultural Heritage  is the new, official journal of the Drawing area of the University of Florence. It offers a critical space of debate for the different paths of enquiry within the national and international panorama of science of representation. It aims at bringing together care for contemporaneity, a dialogue with tradition, and attention to possible futures. 

    The Journal intends to promote a close confrontation with theoretical  perspectives  of the science of drawing, architectonical survey and representation, while maintaining and enhancing the specificity of the applied approach to drawing and digital databases issues for visual comunication (read more about our Aims & Scope).

    TRIBELON Journal of Architectural Studies, Identity, Memory and Digitization of Cultural Heritage” is committed to the very highest standards of peer review, and publishes academically rigorous and original works in several languages (English, Italian, French, German and Spanish).  It is published twice a year, available in open access and in print.

  • ASIAC – Studies on Central Asia and the Caucasus (SCC)

    Studies on Central Asia and the Caucasus was established as the official publication of ASIAC, the Italian Association for Studies on Central Asia and the Caucasus, which has become a landmark organisation for area studies on Central Asia and the Caucasus in Italy and beyond. The aim of the journal is to contribute to the international academic literature and main research trends developed by international scholars interested in these areas, as well as to become a reference publication for the academic debate on the two regions. The journal is also the first academic journal in Italy specifically dedicated to studies on Central Asia and the Caucasus. 

    Chief Editor
    Prof. Aldo Ferrari, Ca' Foscari University, Venezia, Italy
    Department of Asian and North African Studies 
    ISSN: 3035-0484 | Studies on Central Asia and the Caucasus 

  • La Diana

    LA DIANA, rivista della Scuola di Specializzazione in Beni Storico Artistici dell’Università degli Studi di Siena (SSBSA), si presenta in nuova una edizione online. Spazio di discussione delle ricerche maturate nell’ambito delle attività della Scuola, è aperta al contributo degli studiosi italiani e internazionali interessati a condividere i risultati delle loro indagini in una prospettiva di confronto transgenerazionale.

    LA DIANA sostiene e promuove una pluralità di sguardi sulla pratica contemporanea della storia dell’arte, con particolare attenzione ai contesti di produzione e di ricezione delle opere d’arte e alla storia della cultura e delle idee.

    LA DIANA incoraggia proposte su ambiti culturali meno esplorati e approcci metodologicamente aggiornati sui più recenti orientamenti critici e teorici, a partire nondimeno da ancoraggi storici filologicamente fondati e da una puntuale interrogazione e problematizzazione dei dati presentati.

    LA DIANA risponde ai più alti standard di revisione tra pari e pubblica lavori rigorosi e originali in tutti i campi della storia dell’arte, dell’architettura, delle arti decorative e industriali, del design, del costume e della moda, della teoria e della storia del restauro, del collezionismo e della museologia, delle politiche di tutela, conservazione, gestione e valorizzazione del patrimonio culturale e del mercato dell’arte, in diverse lingue (italiano, inglese, francese, tedesco e spagnolo). È una rivista ad accesso aperto ed esce due volte all'anno, con cadenza semestrale.

    Direttore Scientifico

    Prof. Davide Lacagnina, Università degli Studi di Siena, Italia

    ISSN: 2784-9597

    Autorizzazione del Tribunale di Siena | Registro dei Periodici n. 4 del 26/02/2021, Direttore responsabile Sara Lilliu

    La nuova Call for Papers è stata pubblicata e le proposte possono essere consegnate fino al 31 ottobre 2024.
    Tutte le informazioni sono nella Sezione  Call for Papers della rivista

  • Archivio per l'Antropologia e la Etnologia

    Archivio per l’Antropologia e la Etnologia is the official Journal of the Società Italiana di Antropologia e Etnologia (SIAE). The Archivio has been continuously published since its founding in 1871 as the first scientific journal wholly dedicated to anthropology. The journal publishes original contributions, which are rigorously peer-reviewed. Papers are accepted for publication in several languages, including English, Italian, French, and Spanish. The journal offers a critical space for the diffusion and discussion of anthropological research within a multidisciplinary framework, as envisioned by the founder of the journal Paolo Mantegazza. Topics range over the entire gamma of anthropological disciplines, including biological anthropology, paleontology, archaeology and prehistory, cultural anthropology, ethnology, museology, and linguistics. 

  • Fashion Highlight

    Fashion Highlight journal aims to build an interdisciplinary space to share research experiences in the fashion area.  Studies and practices developed in the fashion system play a crucial role in understanding emerging instances since they concern the interpretation of how society expresses, communicates, and gets organized.
    Fashion deals with the sphere of Humanities as well as technologies, configuring a research sector characterized by a strong interdisciplinarity. Within these peculiarities, the research experiences on fashion connect a variety of values that span fluidly across different domains.

    ISSN: 2975-0466 [Online]

  • infermieristica journal

    “Nothing in life is to be feared, it is only to be understood. Now is the time to understand more, so that we may fear less.” (Marie Curie)

    infermieristica journal (ij) is an international peer-reviewed scientific journal that promotes the development and exchange of knowledge relevant to nursing research and practice. ij supports evidence-based clinical practice, encourages, and promotes critical debate about the art and science of nursing. The journal particularly welcomes studies that aim to evaluate and understand complex health care interventions and health policies, and which employ the most rigorous designs and methods appropriate for the research question of interest. The journal also seeks to advance the quality of research by publishing methodological papers introducing or elaborating on analytic techniques, measures, and research methods. The journal publishes original peer-reviewed articles of interest to the international health care community.

    infermieristica journal (ij) was born from the necessity to promote a scientific and popular path, different from all that is currently present in the Italian panorama, with the intention of feeding nursing science in an original and identifying way and at the same time to open its doors to young researchers. infermieristica journal publishes articles of professional interest covering all topics of nursing science. The aim of the journal is to promote excellence, improve clinical practice and encourage debate about patient care and nursing.

    infermieristica journal (ij) is an open access journal available to everyone, free and independent. It is in English language. It is possible to order a printed version of the journal in a limited edition, a project financed directly by readers through a crowfunding campaign. With these contributions we support the production costs and we fund scientific and divulgative projects. The journal is published by the editorial group "infermieristica Editore” in collaboration with Firenze University Press, publisher of the University of Florence. The editorial policies of ij include:

    • Rapid initial screening for suitability and editorial interest;
    • Highly efficient editorial processes: average time from submission to first decision of 2 months;
    • Just Accepted Manuscript: the article is published online soon after its acceptance;
    • Indexed of journal in scientific databases.

    infermieristica journal (ij) was born from an international team of nurses from different areas of the nursing profession. Its international outlook provides an appropriate space for the diffusion and exchange of research outcomes, experiences, and ideas. ij supports the interdisciplinary interaction of specialists in different health care areas, which is essential for a better understanding of different settings. The nursing journal audience consists in nurses, educators, administrators, and researchers in all areas of nursing and care sciences.

    Editorial Office Contact Information

    Editorial Office of infermieristica journal, e-mail: info@infermieristicaj.it. For technical help or questions not covered by the “Guide for authors” document, please email info@infermieristicaj.it.

  • La Nuova Giuridica

    La Nuova Giuridica – Florence Law Review is a student-run law journal, committed to cultivating debate and understanding on a wide-range of legal issues.

    The hope is that the Journal serve as a reference for innovative legal scholarship, bringing together the work of scholars, legal practitioners, and students. Student work is of particular interest. The Journal will publish student thesis work, which has gone through double-blind peer review, in each edition, according to its editorial programming. In thinking critically about the legal issues of today, the Journal will also address the historical context that informs contemporary legal issues.

    Prof. Chiara Cudia, Università di Firenze, Italy
  • Quaderni Culturali IILA

    Call for Papers: Cultural relations between Italy and Latin America from the 1920s to the 1940s

    The Cultural Secretariat of the IILA - International Italo-Latin American Organisation, opens the call for participation in the 6th issue of the journal "Quaderni Culturali IILA" - 2024. The proposed monographic issue of Quaderni Culturali IILA seeks to investigate the artistic, literary and intellectual exchanges between the Italian peninsula and the Latin American continent through the inter-textual and inter-artistic relationship between works and authors in the decades between 1920 and 1940.

    Deadline for Submission of Articles: June 1, 2024

    Download here the PDF of the Call and visit our Call for Papers webpage

    Quaderni Culturali IILA is a freely available international magazine founded by the Cultural Secretary of IILA - Italo-Latin American Organization (international organization, of which Italy and twenty Latin American countries are members) in 2018. The magazine offers thematic issues and is published annually with contributions in Spanish, Italian, Portuguese, and English.

    Quaderni Culturali IILA publishes studies and analyses of the arts and different Latin American cultures. The journal aims to promote intellectual discussion and critically innovative subjects and methodologies from a  interdisciplinary point of view.

    Quaderni Culturali IILA - ONLINE ISSN 2785-5031

    Editor in Chief - Jaime Nualart Sánchez,  IILA Cultural Secretary

  • Rivista Italiana di Filosofia Politica

    La Rivista Italiana di Filosofia Politica è la nuova rivista ufficiale promossa dalla Società Italiana di Filosofia Politica (SIFP). La Rivista nasce per offrire uno spazio di discussione critica e comune ai diversi orientamenti presenti nel panorama filosofico-politico nazionale e internazionale.

    La Rivista Italiana di Filosofia Politica si propone di tenere sempre vivo il rapporto tra radicamento nella contemporaneita?, dialogo con la tradizione e progettualita? diretta al futuro.

    La rivista intende promuovere un serrato confronto con altre prospettive teoriche (scienze sociali, giuridiche, economiche, politologiche, ecc.), proponendo tuttavia un approccio specificamente filosofico alle questioni politiche.

    La Rivista risponde ai più alti standard di revisione tra pari e pubblica lavori accademicamente rigorosi e originali in tutti i campi della politica e della filosofia, in diverse lingue (italiano, inglese, francese, tedesco e spagnolo). Esce due volte all'anno, in open access e cartaceo.

    La rivista incoraggia nuovi approcci, inclusi (ma non limitati a): femminismo; ambientalismo; teoria critica, post-modernismo e marxismo analitico; teoria sociale e della scelta pubblica; diritto ed economia, studi giuridici critici e studi razziali critici; e approcci alla politica teorici dei giochi, socio-biologici e antropologici. Accoglie anche lavori di storia del pensiero politico che costruiscono un punto filosofico più ampio e lavori di filosofia delle scienze sociali e di etica applicata con implicazioni politiche più ampie. 

  • Italian Journal of Agrometereology

    The Italian Journal of Agrometeorology  publishes English written original papers about agrometeorology, that is the science which studies the interactions between meteorological, hydrological factors and the agro-forest ecosystem and with agriculture, including all the related themes: herbaceous and arboreal species ecophysiology, crop phenology, phytopathology, entomology, soil physics and hydrology, micrometeorology, crop modelling, remote-sensing, landscape planning, geo-graphical in-formation system and spatialization techniques, instru-mentation for physical and biological measurements, data validation techni-ques, agroclimatology, animal biometeorology, diffusion of information and support services for farmers.
  • Caryologia. International Journal of Cytology, Cytosystematics and Cytogenetics

    Caryologia: International Journal of Cytology, Cytosystematics and Cytogenetics  is devoted to the publication of original papers, and occasionally of reviews, about plant, animal and human karyological, cytological, cytogenetic, embryological and ultrastructural studies. Articles about the structure, the organization and the biological events relating to DNA and chromatin organization in eukaryotic cells are considered. Caryologia has a strong tradition in plant and animal cytosystematics and in cytotoxicology. Bioinformatics articles may be considered, but only if they have an emphasis on the relationship between the nucleus and cytoplasm and/or the structural organization of the eukaryotic cell.

  • AsiAnA. Journal of Ancient Near Eastern Civilizations

    Asia Anteriore Antica (AsiAnA) is an open access peer-reviewed international journal on ancient Near Eastern cultures that aims to offer a handy tool of scholarly information in different fields (Archaeology, Archaeometry, Epigraphy, History, Philology), with a dedicated attention to interdisciplinary research, new approaches and methodological advances.

    The journal publishes original contributions (full-length papers, reviews, short notes and open questions’ debates) in Italian, English, French, German; special issues on relevant topics are also considered for publication.

  • Substantia

    Substantia. An International Journal of the History of Chemistry is a open access peer-reviewed international journal dedicated to the history of Chemistry and edited by the University of Florence. Topics of interest include traditional and innovative perspectives in the development of Chemistry. Fundamentals and implications of chemical theories and related sciences, interdisciplinary works (highlighting the interconnections between Chemistry, other scientific disciplines, arts, technology, social and human sciences), contributions from unpublished sources are welcome. The journal is published open access and offers top quality original full papers, essays, experimental works, reviews, biographies and dissemination manuscripts. All contributions are in English.

    Pierandrea Lo Nostro, Università degli Studi di Firenze, Italy
    eISSN: 2532-3997

    HIST-Substantia Outstanding Paper Award

    The History of Chemistry (HIST) Division of the American Chemical Society and Substantia, edited by the Department of Chemistry of the University of Florence, launch a new "HIST-Substantia Outstanding Paper Award" to award the best history paper published in the journal. This annual award consists in a prize of 500 € that will be paid to the corresponding author of the paper.

    Click here for more information.


    Substantia is indexed in:


    Recently the Content Selection & Advisory Board (CSAB) approved our application for indexing Substantia in Scopus.

    FUP and Substantia teams are proud of this result and wish to share this announcement with the authors, readers, editors and reviewers of the journal. With their contributions we achieved this remarkable goal.