
LA DIANA is the journal of the School of Specialization in Art History of the University of Siena (SSBSA), now in a new online edition. A space for discussion of the research work carried out by the School, it is open to contributions of Italian and international scholars interested in sharing the results of their investigations in a transgenerational perspective.

LA DIANA supports and promotes different views on contemporary practices of art history, within a special attention to the contexts of production and reception of artworks and to the history of culture and ideas.


Prof. Davide Lacagnina, University of Siena, Italy

Autorizzazione del Tribunale di Siena | Registro dei Periodici n. 4 del 26/02/2021, Direttore responsabile Sara Lilliu

ISSN: 2784-9597

The Call for Papers is out now and submissions can be handed in till October 31, 2024. 
All information are in the Call for Papers Section

Current IssueNo 5 (2023): LA DIANA. Rivista semestrale della Scuola di Specializzazione in Beni Storico Artistici

Published November 29, 2023

Issue Description

Rivista semestrale della Scuola di Specializzazione in Beni Storico Artistici
dell’Università degli studi di Siena | ISSN 2784-9597 (online)

Direttore Davide Lacagnina Comitato di redazione Alessandro Angelini, Roberto Bartalini, Luca Quattrocchi Comitato scientifico Barbara Agosti, Rosa Alcoy i Pedrós, Alessandro Angelini,  Roberto Bartalini, Silvia Ginzburg, Margherita Guccione, María Dolores Jiménez-Blanco Carillo de Albornoz, Henry Keazor, Claudio Pizzorusso, Luca Quattrocchi, Victor M. Schmidt, Carl Strehlke, Direttore responsabile Sara Lilliu Progetto grafico, impaginazione e redazione Alias e Valentina Alabiso


Table of Contents


Davide Lacagnina
DOI: https://doi.org/10.36253/ladiana-2378


The Rassegna di Arti Figurative di Roma e del Lazio: the purchases by the City of Rome and the Capitoline cultural policy in the 1960s
Ingrid Ranalli
DOI: https://doi.org/10.36253/ladiana-2379
Art and Market in Bologna in the 1970s. The first steps of Arte Fiera
Clarissa Ricci
DOI: https://doi.org/10.36253/ladiana-2380


Two unusual iconography: the Mocking of Christ and the Miracle of the Dress of Saint Elizabeth of Hungary in an early fourteenth-century Majorcan altarpiece
Ireneu Visa Guerrero
DOI: https://doi.org/10.36253/ladiana-2381
The sculptures of David and Abigail in the apse of Casa Professa in Palermo: a dialogue between Grano, Tancredi, Calandrucci, Vitagliano and Serpotta
Nicola Attinasi
DOI: https://doi.org/10.36253/ladiana-2383


Libri italiani di storia dell’arte all’estero: alcuni casi esemplari
Davide Lacagnina
DOI: https://doi.org/10.36253/ladiana-2384
Il paesaggio, il colore e il concetto. Su 'Un uomo tranquillo' (1952) di John Ford
Luca Venzi
DOI: https://doi.org/10.36253/ladiana-2392


Simone Martini in Orvieto, a cura di Nathaniel Silver
Mattia Barana
DOI: https://doi.org/10.36253/ladiana-2386
Jules Laforgue. L’impressionismo e altri scritti d’arte, a cura di Alessandro Del Puppo
Alessandro Botta
DOI: https://doi.org/10.36253/ladiana-2397
Deculturalize, a cura di Ilse Lafer
Giorgia Gastaldon
DOI: https://doi.org/10.36253/ladiana-2398
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